Down the streets
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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Di Feb 10, 2015 4:04 pm

So, hier wird jetzt aber wirklich geschrieben. Ich reposte eine Kopie aller bisherigen Texte.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:05 pm

So, nachdem ich beim ersten Mal eine falsche Taste gedrückt und alles wieder gelöscht habe und mir beim zweiten Mal - natürlich erst nachdem ich alles fertig formatiert und abgeschickt hatte - angezeigt wurde, dass mein Post zu lang sei, kommt jetzt hier der dritte Versuch, Seite für Seite...

Down the streets
14.12.14 um 15:14

Zum Anfang...

Der Junge ist dunkel. Blasse Haut über einem Gesicht ohne Regung, Haare schwarz wie die Flügel eines Raben bedeckten Augen aus grauem Stahl. Seine Gl.iedmaßen sind schlank, ausgehungert wie die einer streunenden Katze. Er drückt sich dicht an die Wand des Gebäudes, schmutziger Putz gräbt sich in seinen Rücken, Schlamm haftet an den Beinen seiner zerschlissenen Hose, bis hinauf zu seinen Knien. Der Regen, der seinen Nacken hinabrinnt, hinterlässt helle Linien auf seinem staubigen, mageren Körper. Versteckt in seinem rechten Ärmel, gepresst gegen seine nur Millimeter entfernten Adern, ruht eine scharfe Klinge. Der dürre Junge senkt den Kopf, starrt auf die rissigen Schäfte seiner Stiefel, dann wendet er das Gesicht zu den sich türmenden Massen aus Wolken hinauf.
Schwere Tropfen treffen seine Stirn, seine Wangen, den verkniffenen, angespannten Mund, während seine Brauen sich energisch zusammenziehen. Entschlossen.
Mit dem Absatz seiner Schuhe stößt er sich von der Wand ab und betritt das gegenüberliegende Haus. In seiner Hand ruht der Schaft eines Messers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Die Straßen der großen Städte sind voller Schatten - Menschen, unauffällig, schmutzig, arm. Hier, in der Dunkelheit staubiger Gassen, landen alle, denen nichts mehr bleibt als ein qualvoller, langsamer Tod; der Abfall der Menschheit. Doch eines Tages wird für einige von ihnen aus all der Trostlosigkeit neue Hoffnung geboren: Ein junger Mann mit Haaren wie die Federn einer Krähe und Augen aus kaltem Stahl - Levi. Er ist es, der Umher***ende, der Einzelgänger, der sie um sich versammelt, die hungernden, verlassenen Kinder der Gosse zu seinen Kampfgefährten macht; Zu den brüchtigtsten Dieben des Landes, ausgebildet und angeführt von dem bleichen Jungen mit dem tödlichen Blick.
Ihre Fähigkeiten und Dreistigkeit sind legendär;
Die Dunkelziffer ihrer Verbechen hoch.
Jetzt planen sie ihren endgültigen, größten Coup.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dieses RPG, sofern es eines werden darf, wird einige Besonderheiten aufweisen:
? es wird biligual sein; einige Texte auf Deutsch, andere auf Englisch, jenachdem wie ihr es euch zutraut
? die Steckbriefe werden etwas anders: Ich lege für jeden von euch unter diesem Text eine leere Steckbriefvorlage an und trage lediglich den Vornamen ein. Alles andere bleibt frei. Das wichtige später während des RPGs wird sein, dass die anderen User das Bild eurer Figur ergänzen. Charakter, Vorlieben, Abneigungen, Aussehen, Familie, Biographie - wann immer jemand etwas herausgefunden hat, kann er mir eine PN schreiben und ich werde die entsprechenden Anmerkungen nachtragen. Ich denke, das könnte interessant werden... Sagt mi ruhig, was ihr von der Idee haltet.

LG, L.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ich schätze, wir sind leider voll! Bitte nicht mehr anmelden...

~ Levi [me]
~ Eveline "Eve" Sanders [Kristen500]
~ Jette [me]
~ Derek [Diako-Bee; jetzt LeviHeichou]
~ Fine [Diako-Bee; jetzt Sarahleen]
~ Vincent "Vince" [Sarahleen]
~ Pamela "Pam" [Sarahleen]
~ Jean Lindt [LeviHeichou]
~ Marco Bishop [LeviHeichou]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Vielen Dank dafür, dass ihr bis hier gelesen habt. :3
& hoffentlich viel Spaß beim schreiben!

[Sollte mein kleiner Charakter jemanden an AoT erinnern: Ja, ich fand aber schon immer ein kriminelles Dasein stünde ihm irgendwie gut... so wie er schon immer guckt... ; ] Ich hoffe es stört euch nicht all zu sehr.]
Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 15 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 18.01.15 um 16:25 von LeviHeichou

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:11 pm

29.12.14 um 1:05

[Okay guys, I'll get going here! I hope you don't mind, 'cause I won't specify the country in this text. Uhh, I have to work harder on my patience... ^^"]

1 A brown eyed puppy

The small girl was wearing a dark jacket, which was more than for from fitting properly on her tiny chest. The wide sleeves ran down all the way over her fingers, hiding her hands completly. The middle part covered her body nearly down to the knees and the old clothing seemed to be made not only for a taller but for a much bigger person than she was.
Under the stained fabric her whole body was shivering, the cold making her bite her rough lips, which were already covered with old traces of dried blood. If she would have undressed, the unfriendly winterlight would have created deep shadows under the bows of her ribs, those showed clearly under a skin polluted by spots of mud an greyish streetdust.
Her brown hair stuck up in odd places, felted, clotted and didn't offer a recognizable cut. She resembled somewhat a straying puppy, the eyes slitted, the head hidden between high lifted shoulders. Her facial expression was a highly strange mixture of emotions, changing permanently with every step she took.
In that uncomfortable constitution the child reached a larger corssroads. The girl clenched her fingers, unsure where to adress herself. Her stomach was complaining about the lack of food, which had gotten that usual to her. With a pitiful lost expression and posture she remained motionless at the spot, only slightly turning her face towards a small ray of sunlight, which had made it's way down into the dirt and rust covering the alley she had come from.
Suddenly her freezing nose caught a scent, that made her lower her gaze back to her own height. Big, chestnut coloured orbs in a deathly pale face filled with helplessness peeked around in order to locate the object of her desire. It didn't take her long to find what she had been looking for. Some meters ahead she noticed a high man's shape, carrying a huge braided basket. Out of the repository emerged a nearly invisible flare of dust.
Without loosing a single thought to the consequences, the girl headed towards the unsuspecting male, maybe even without thinking at all, her weak body only moved by the terrible pain of hunger. When she reached her victim, she passed by, fullspeedly grabbing something out of his bagage und sprinting away to the nexxt narrow streets long shadows, which promised the young thief a hide from the angry shoutings behind her; "Dirty little ***! Stand still immedeatly!" He sounded angry and not willing to accept any excuses. "This small piece a crap stole from me! Stop running away, you kneehigh ***!"
The girl didn't dare to do so. Her steady feet stomped the frozen ground while she hurried further and further from the scene, flitting around corners into poky streets. Soon she had left the market quaters, stumbling over old cobblestone surfaces, struggeling for air, paying no attention to were she went. She ran for a time that, for her, became an entire eternity. When her hands began to feel frozen like a pack of ice cubes, she found herself far from the lively streets and trading places. The kid stood within a circle of abandonned houses. The rotten doors were all out of their hinges, broken windows stared down at her tiny form. Her hands still clasped the fresh piece of bread, it's look making her dizzy of appetite. Once again her whole figure was shaking. The long way here had taken her last bit of power.
She tourned around to watch out for persecutors, even if she was sure to be absolutly alone, lonely. A hard breathing widened and compressed her chest, her heardbeat was pounding like a war drum, putting a steady ringing into her ears.
She wanted to sit down an take a bite, enjoy what she hat captured at the worst time, but somehow her muscels wouldn't move. Her fingers held the wonderful meal with the strengh of iron claws, seemed unable to open up and let it go. There was this terrible feeling of beeing watched, which appeared ostensible abruptly out of nowhere. Cold sweat started to stream down the back of her neck, her face, even her hands, covering her precious pray with horrified moisture. Where they going to get her? No, there wasn't anybody around. It was simply impossible. The girl started turning round an round, to get a hint who was watching her like that, but her eyes were unable to catch whoever was out there. She couldn't help herself but to let *** a shy "Hello?" out of her mouth.
And then there were light footsteps right behind her back. Someone came her direction, walking slowly and calm. They wouldn't come like taking a walk if they were out to take me down, she trembled with fear. When the noise stopped, she dared to tourn towards the stranger unhastyly. Before she could see his face, he started talking. His voice was at the same time cold, rough and authoritarian and made a cool shiver running down her spine.
"You are not that s***d, what? But your insincts are quite keen. There aren't many people who actually feel that they are watched. The majority only thinks they do, but you do for real. "
Six great steps away there stood an unknown male. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest, his weight rested on his left leg. Standing in front of the girl, he appeared self-confident and sure. The next thing she noticed was his hair. It held a seldom deep black, what reminded her of the wings of a raven. It was done in somewhat like an undercut, but still seemed extremely serious and not a bit youthful. Behind some wisps hanging into his forehead, two slitted, steelgrey eyes sparkeled with distanced disgust. His expression was somewhat emotionless, close to boredom. Without knowing why, the kid in front of him imagined a crown on his head. All about his appearance resembled to a royality. It was not until the second time when she noticed that he was proportionally small, maybe not taller than 1,60m. His furrowed brows showed a thing that was close to a feeling that could express annoyance as he noticed her gaze comparing him to her own height.
He relocated his stand on the other leg before continuing to talk. "You didn't do this often before. You are nervous. You are overstrained with the situation. Stop staring at me an take it this way: You are somewhat talented. Your native skill could be useful..." The male made a break. His listener guessed him around fourteen or fifteen, evenso he acted like beeing much older. "... useful", he repeated, "not only for you. You are one of the lost ones, you have nothing, you life in the streets, sleeping outside in the gutter - just as I used to life until I decided to change something. You need help, I offer it. The only thing I want you to do is to put your talents under my charge."
The girl's eyes widened more and more with every word he said. "Talkin' 'bout help ye' mean food 'nd a bed? Is't warm there?" He lifted an eyebrow. "You will need talking lessons. No one can bear that ***ed language. Stop torturing the poor words like this."
She gulped. "And the only thing I need'a do is stealing?"
The boy let a deprecative "Tch." out of his mouth, but nodded.
"Whoever you are, I'm with you."
He nodded again, turned his back to her and started walking away, giving her a beck to follow. He didn't loose a single glance to her.
"I'm not Whoever, I'm Levi."

[Puuhh... das war ziemlich lang, aber keine Sorge, das wird wahrscheinlich nur sehr sehr selten vorkommen! Wenn ihr ganz schreckliche Fehler findet, sagt mir bitte Bescheid! :]

29.12.14 um 1:08
Re: Down the streets

1. Mal *** - bast.ard
2. Mal *** - as.shole
3. Mal *** - sl.ip
4. Mal *** - s***ed = sk.illed
5. Mal *** - ***ed = bas.tarded
Ich hoffe ich habe nichts übersehen...
Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 1 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 29.12.14 um 1:09 von LeviHeichou

02.01.15 um 17:40

"What's up? Didn't you say we were going to a warm place?", I asked, rubbing my hands over my lankily arms, which were covered by goose bumps [Gänsehaut].
The boy curled his lips to let *** out another bugged "Tch." His eyes were fixed on something behind my back, that I was unable to see in my position. Turning around I noticed another girl's shape. She was thin and weared stained, outworn clothes, just like I did. Her hair was in a better condition than mine, floating down her small shoulders within redbrown waves, reminding me of a fox-horse.
"What's the matter?", I adressed my self to my companion. "She's only watchin' us."
"Firstly: Talk properly. Secondly: I won't show my hide-out to any random homeless child following me around." He lifted his head in a way, that made me remember the crown on his hair again and watched the unknown girl with a real frightening death-glare. I wondered how many people could give you a look like that, but I couldn't come up with only one man or woman, which I had seen look that way. Yes, I had to admit that it was really intimidating.
"Come over here, brat.", he shouted at the stranger.

02.01.15 um 19:59

Levi didn't moove the slightest bit. He simply stood still and kept an eye on the girl in front of him. After some seconds I realized that I had held my breath. As silent as possible I gasped for air. Only a moment later the stranger got up and headed towards the two of us. The boy by my side clenched his arms once again in front of his chest, giving her a suspicious look trough his steel-orbs. She stared back, but seemed to become unsure. The closer she went, the more careful she moved, prepared to run at any time. As soon as she reached the point she had aimed for, she stopped to whip her hair back over her shoulders. After doing so, she stood motionless, waiting.
And my companion was out to let her wait. He took his time before telling her why he had called her here. Then, while fixing her with his gaze: "You looked scared when we first appeared. You were hoping we won't notice your presence, so you stopped moving. That was the point when I became aware of you."
The expression in her face switched between afraid, confused and defiant, as he continued.
"You have something in your rucksack, don't you? You were not willing to let anyone see you with it. That means that it is either very important and precious or..." He liftet his eyebrows meaningfully. "... that you aren't supposed to have it - you stole it."
I was impressed by his logical reasoning, connection her reaction towards strangers with her bagage. Couriously I waited for her to answer.

[Und es heißt wirklich "rucksack" - das finde ich total verwirrend o.O]
[Wenn jemand irgendwas in den Texten nicht versteht, kann er mich wirklich gerne fragen! :]

[Seems like one of the texts was deleted by the writer here...]

02.01.15 um 20:22

"As if you would show it to me now...", he told her with a bitter amusement. "But you should learn to hide a lie if you tell it." In a sudden action he reached out for the rucksack and pulled it away from her. She tried to catch his arm and hold him off, but his movements were to fast. When he put his hand into the bagage, she tried to kick him against the knee, something that would have been really painful if she had successed, but the ravenhaired male stepped aside with an amazing ease. He seemed to be all indifferent.
"Don't worry. I won't steal from someone like you." His voice held an similair disinterrested and at the same time smooth tone as his first talk to me. "You may be a gifted thief and quite cunning, but you should stop getting nervous while trying to rescue yourself. If you really want to tell a lie, you first and foremost have to convince yourself of what you say. If not, your eyes will reveal the truth to everyone who looks closely." Levi shook his head like a teacher, who explains something the hundredth time to his unbelievable dumb students. I felt a bit of pity for his counterpart [sein Gegenüber].

[Wir tun einfach mal so, als hätte sie was geklaut & es unter ihrem Essen versteckt. Er braucht ja einen Grund, um sie mitzunehmen... Ist das okay für dich?]

02.01.15 um 22:12

"Daraus schlussfolgere ich, dass du auch ein Straßenköter bist." Dunkle Haarsträhnen umflattern den Kopf des Jungen wie Schattenfetzen, als er ihn energisch schüttelt. "Wo schläfst du? Stiehlst du dir deinen Lebensunterhalt zusammen oder wühlst du im Müll wie die Ratten?" Sein Blick ist kalt und unglaublich abschätzig, genauso direkt und schmerzhaft wie seine Worte, dennoch sagt irgendetwas in meinem Inneren, dass er ihr nicht wehtun will. Das ist einfach seine Art, die Dinge auszudrücken; Hart, schonunglos und ohne Unwege.

[Bitte vergesst nicht die Steckbriefe! ;]

02.01.15 um 22:24
Re: Down the streets
Zitat von Kristen500

Ich fing schallend an zu lachen. ,,Ne, ganz sicher nicht. Ich bin auf den Weg in meine Wohnung von meiner Arbeit. Aber entschuldige wenn ich meiner Tochter etwas Wasser mitbringen will.", sagte ich unbedacht. Ich schlig mir mit der Hand auf den Mund. Ich redete immer so viel. Ich atmete tief durch und schaute zu ihm.

Soll ich ergänzen?)

(Was ergänzen? Smile

02.01.15 um 22:54

"Tch, so, a daughter, what? And what kind of work should this be?"
Why is he that suspicious? Or has he something completly different on his mind? What is he playing right know? Confused I tried to peek trough his indiffered facade. What's his intend?
"Children need loads of care. Warmth, food, time..." Now it was on Levi to act cunning. "What is her name?"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 1 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 02.01.15 um 22:55 von LeviHeichou

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:16 pm

Some of the texts were deleted by the writer again...

02.01.15 um 23:05

"Oho, jemand besonders schlaues also. Daher konntest du auch nicht lügen. Typisch Wissenschaftler eigentlich... Aber warum stiehlt jemand wie du eine Flasche Wasser?"
Jette erwartete ein überlegenes Grinsen oder zunmindest irgendeinen Ausdruck von Tiumph auf seinem Gesicht zu sehen, doch seine Mimik blieb unbewegt wie zuvor.
"I repeat: I won't steal from you. Further I won't tell anyone about your crimes. No one will ever know that we actually met. And I offer you something: If you need help, if you want this warmth and food and a bed for you likewise for your child, come find me here in one week."
Ich beobachtete, wie die Augen der Fremden sich überrascht zu weiten begannen.
"Think about it, because the life I volunteer doesn't only hold comford- it will be the life of a thief, a master tief. Don't intend to follow us now. I will be waiting then and not earlier." Mit diesen Worten wandte er sich ab und ging davon. Ich warf einen letzten unsicheren Blick auf das Mädchen, ehe ich auf dem Absatz kehrt machte um Levi zu folgen.

02.01.15 um 23:40

[Die Idee mit dem Kind gefällt mir soooo gut! Das ist wirklich kreativ!]

Der dunkelhaarige Teenager ging schnell und mit großen Schritten, sodass meine deutlich kürzeren Beine Mühe hatten, ihm zu folgen.
"Wie alt bist du?"
"Zwölf..." Unsicher versuchte ich, mir mit der Hand durch die Haare zu fahren, doch die Strähnen waren zu verfilzt und knotig, um einzeln durch meine Finger zu gleiten. "Und du?"
Nach einer kurzen Pause: "Du brauchst ein Bad. Dringend."
Ich nickte kleinlaut, obwohl ich wusste, dass er sich hinter seinem Rücken nicht sehen würde. "Wo genau gehen wir hin?"
"Nach hause."
"Ich hab kein nach hause."
"Das ändert sich jetzt."
Ohne sich zu vergewissern, ob ich ihm folgen konnte, drängte er sich durch das Gewühl eines belebten Straßenzuges. Nur unter großer Antrengung gelang es mir, ihn nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren. Ich wagte es nicht nach seiner Kleidung zu greifen um mich festzuhalten.
Tatsächlich dauerte es nur wenige Minuten, ehe mein Führer in eine schmale Gasse schlüpfte, ich ihm immer dicht auf den Fersen. Er bog um brökelnde Gebäudeecken, die Absätze seiner Stiefel machten zu meiner Verwunderung kein Geräusch auf dem staubigen Straßenpflaster, das schon bald durch schlammigen Gossengrund abgelöst wurde. Ich war so mit der Betrachtung meiner eigenen geschundenen Füße beschäftigt, dass ich erst als ich gegen eine Hüfte prallte, bemerkte dass er stehen geblieben war. Suchend blickte ich mich um. In seiner Reichweite befand sich keine Tür oder ein Fenster. Wir standen lediglich vor einer erstaunlich festen Ziegelmauer, die ein gutes Stück über Levis Kopf hinausragte. Fragend blickte ich ihn an. Er antwortete indem er seinen Blick auf einen hervorstehenden Stein heftete. Ohne viel federlesens begann stellte ich den linken Fuß darauf und bemerkte einen zweiten Stein ein wenig höher. Wäre ich auch nur einen Zentimeter kleiner gewesen, hätte mein anderer Fuß den Tritt nicht erreichen können. Vorsichtig und dennoch mit vor Aufregung klopfendem Herzen kletterte ich bis hinauf zur Mauerkrone. Was würde mich auf der anderen Seite erwarten?

03.01.15 um 15:40

"Spring runter.", schrammte Levis Stimme an meinem Schädel vorbei, als er sich neben mir auf die Oberkante der Mauer zog. Ich reagierte nicht, sondern schaute neugierig und aufmerksam auf den seltsamen Ort, der sich vor unseren Füßen auftat.
Die hoch geschichteten Ziegelsteine umgaben einen winzigen Fleck verwilderten Gartens. Das üppige Grün wild wuchernder Sträucher, Büsche und sogar einiger junger Bäumchen schlug mich in seinen Bann. Das zierliche Biotop war ein drei Seiten in gleicher Weise abgegrenzt, an der vierten jedoch entdeckte ich etwas, das mein Interesse noch viel mehr erweckte. Eingeschlungen in dicke Ranken von wildem Wein und Efeu stand ein Haus. Es war aus großen, massiven Quadern grauen Steins errichtet und es gab keinen Putz an seinen Wänden, der trostlos hätte abbröckeln können. Es war lange nicht so hoch wie die anderen Häuser, die sich um uns herum wie mahnend erhobene Finger in den grauen Himmel reckten, dicht an dicht gedrängt und nahezu fensterlos. Ich hatte noch nie ein solches Haus gesehen. Es schien mir unwahrscheinlich alt zu sein, eine Unterkunft erbaut lange vor unserer Zeit. Das Gebäude verfügte über zahlreiche Glasscheiben und eine vierstufige Treppe führte an dessen Seite unter den Boden eines runden Turms, der sich auf Pfeiler gestützt an das Bauwerk anlehnte. Vor staunen und gaffen vergaß ich, dass ich von meinem Aussichtsplatz hinunter gewollt hatte.
"Was... isn das?", fragte ich meinen Begleiter, ohne den Blick abzuwenden.
"Es ist alt.", war vorerst alles, was er darauf antwortete. "Und jetzt komm da runter bevor dich jemand sieht."

Als wir durch die doppelflügelige Eingangstür traten, die sich unter dem merkwürdigen Säulengebilde befand, erblickte ich einen hellen Raum mit hölzernem Boden. Die Wände waren bedeckt mit schweren, aber ausgeblichenen Tapeten voller seltener Muster. Mehrere Türen zweigten von hier ab und im hinteren Teil wand sich eine metallene Treppe durch die Decke in die Höhe.
"Und das ist deins?"
"Es hat jemandem gehört, den ich kannte... Man könnte sagen, er hätte es mir vererbt, mehr oder weniger." Noch immer enthielt seine Stimme nicht das Geringste an Gefühlsrühungen. Er zeigte lediglich mit knappen Gesten auf die einzelnen Türen.
"Küche. Esszimmer. Abstellkammer. Die Treppe hoch kommt man zu den Wohnräumen."
Er ging auf selbige zu und ich folgte ihm, als wir die knarzenden Stufen hinaufkletterten.
Ich fand mich in einem Gang wieder, von dem noch mehr Türen abzweigten.
"Die einzige Tür da hinten rechts geht in mein Büro. Genau darüber ist mein Schlafzimmer. Such dir irgeneinen von den anderen Räumen aus. Ich halte nur die sauber, die ich nutze, also wirst du Staub wischen müssen. Immerhin habe ich die Möbel abgedeckt. Sei dankbar. Wenn du fertig bist, komm nach unten. Ich mache Essen."
Mit diesen Worten verschwand er bodenwärts. Und ich machte mich daran, neugierig meine neue Umgebung zu erkunden.

[Ich hab Bilder von dem Haus im Album. Es folgen Skizzen des Innenaufbaus, dich ich erst noch einscannen muss. :]

Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 1 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 03.01.15 um 15:41 von LeviHeichou

04.01.15 um 18:52

Innerhalb der einzelnen Räume herrschte staubbedeckte Stille. Wie er es mir gesagt hatte, waren sämtliche Einrichtungsgegenstände mit durchsichtigen oder graublauen Plastikplanen zugedeckt, um sie nicht dem langsamen Verfall in ihrer Nähe auszusetzten. Ich versuchte auch die Türen zum Turm zu öffnen, hinter denen Levi's Büro und sein Schlafzimmer lagen, doch zu meiner Enttäuschung schienen sie verschlossen.
Meine Erkundungen führten mich bis hinauf auf dem Dachboden, wo ich weitere Unterkünfte entdeckte. Dieses Haus war durchaus in der Lage ein ganzes Rudel Leute zu beherrbergen. Meine Neugier, herauszufinden wie mein neuer Mitbewohner sich all das hier angeeignet hatte, wuchs von Schritt zu Schritt. Schließlich aber trampelte ich die metallenen Stufen erneut hinunter und zurück in Stockwerk eins wählte ich als mein neues Zuhause dasjenige Zimmer, welches dem Eingang zum Büro direkt gegenüber lag. Es sah aus, als wäre es noch nicht ganz so lang verlassen wie die übrigen und es besaß viele Fenster, so dass es auf mich aufgeschlossen und zuversichtlich wirkte. Ich hatte kein Gepäck, dass ich hätte dort abstellen können, nur das kleine Stück Brot, welches ich noch immer fest umklammert hielt. Langsam lockerte sich mein Griff.
Ich kehrte ins Erdgeschoss zurück und wollte einen Blick in die Küche werfen, doch sobald ich meine Nase durch den Türspalt steckte, flog ein dunkelrot karriertes Geschirrtuch gegen die Öffnung.
"Du kommst hier nicht rein, ehe du nicht ein Bad genommen hast. Geh nach nebenan ins Esszimmer."

[Ich habe jetzt den Grundriss hochgeladen, aber es wird sicher noch dauern, bis er freigegeben wird. Schaut in den nächsten Tag doch mal rein!:]

05.01.15 um 20:52

[Jup, diesen einen Text hier noch in der "Jetztzeit" o.o]

The girl entered the room alongside the kitchendoor. It was rectangular* and filled with a long wooden table sourrounded by a couple of chairs. The wall on the right was breached* by another entrance, surely connected with the cooking facilitys next door*. At the opposite of her position a great window was visible, but it didn't offer a remarkable view. The only thing she saw was a second high, red brickwall. The ledge* was filled with decent piles of books. As soon as she went closer, she noticed a black pen next to a small leatherbound notebook. The kid just decided to reach out for the frontcover's edge, when the second door flew open and the ravenhaired boy entered calmly, carrying to white stone ware bowls, spoons, glasses and a can filled with something liquid on a light dinner tray*. He saw her outstretched arm and uttered* a small noise of annoyance.
"Sit down. I prepared dinner."
He got himself a seat and took half of the items from the tray. Jette sat next to the already eating male and did the same. The bowls held a kind of soup, which tasted unusual but not bad at all. She finished her portion much quicker than her companion did and tried to set foot into the kitchen, to get herself a second one, when Levi stopped her once again.
"What did I say about taking a bath before entering here?"
"Fine, so I'll take a bath first... Are ye okay with'at?"
"I would be, if you would tried to talk without this gutter accent."
"Fine once again. I'll try. Where is the bathroom?"
He shook his head exasperated. "Do not tell me you didn't find it while slamming all those doors upstairs."
"I didn't."
"Second floor, next to the staircase on the right. Try not to waste to much water. There should be soap at the border of the bath tub - you will need some."
The girl was about to leave, when he tourned around to her a last time. "And wash your hair."

Das heiße Wasser verursachte ein wohltuendes Brennen und Prickeln auf ihrer geschundenen Haut, sobald sie ihre Zehen in die wirbelnde Flüssigkeit tauchte. Mit einem leisen Seufzer der Vorfreude ließ sich sich ganz in die Wanne gleiten, und spührte den unagenehmen Schmerz, als die Hitze sie versengte. Für den kurzen Moment, den ihr Körper brauchte um sich an die Teperaturschwankungen zu gewöhnen, biss sie die Zähne zusammen, dann tat sie einen tiefen Atemzug und tauchte vollends unter.

Einige Zeit darauf, der Badezuber verlor langsam seine wohlige Wärme und der Spiegel an der gekachelten Wand war bis oben hin mit einem dichten Film aus kondensierenden Wassertröpfchen bedeckt, schüttelte das Mädchen sich die triefende Nässe aus den Haaren und kletterte zurück auf die kühlen Fliesen. Während sie sich umsah, bemerkte sie zwei Handtücher und einen Stapel verschiedenen Stoff, mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit Kleidung. Beides lag gemeinsam mit einer Zahnbürste am Rand des Waschbeckens.
Bei dem Gedanken, dass sie nicht bemerkt hatte, wie Levi gekommen und dann wieder gegangen war, schauderte sie kaum merklich. Ein unheimlicher Kerl, dieses Stahlauge.

Abtrocknen, anziehen, Zahnpasta suchen, Zähne putzen. Nachdem all das erledigt war, wischte Jette mit den klammen ihres Badetuchs über das Glas des Spiegels, um sich darin betrachten zu können.
Sie trug eine schwarze Hose, die so lang war, dass sie sie mehrmals an den Knöcheln hatte umschlagen müssen, und die von einem brauen Grütel gehalten wurde. Dieser war jedoch verdeckt durch die Schöße eines nachtblauen Männerhemdes aus widerstandsfähigem Stoff, dessen versehentlich aufgestellter Kragen ihr bis zu den Ohren reichte. Auch auf ihrem Kopf sah es zu ihrer großen Freude nicht mehr ganz so wüst aus. Wenn man es sicher auch noch nicht kämmen konnte, war das Labyrnith ihrer verstrickten Haarstränen nun frei von Staub und ***spritzen und stand in seiner Feuchtigkeit nicht mehr ganz so nestähnlich von ihrem Schädel ab.
Sie öffnete den Abfluss der Wanne, sammelte ihre verstreuten alten und neuen Habseligkeiten zusammen, die sie ordentlich zusammenlegte, ehe sie sich wieder nach unten bagab.
Die Eingangstür stand offen und von draußen hörte man ein leises Kratzen, so als schöbe jemand Holz über rauen Stein. Neugierig um die Ecke spähend, erblickte das Mädchen Levi, der am Rand der runden Terasse einen der Stühle aus dem Esszimmer zurechtrückte. In einer Hand hielt er einen Kamm und eine Schere.
"Setz dich.", forderte er zum zweiten Mal an diesem Tag. Jette gehorchte.

[Sorry dass das alles nicht so schön ist, aber ich wollte es kurz halten. So, jetzt können wir springen!]

*1 rechteckig
*2 durchbrochen
*3 sagt man für nebenan, soweit ich weiß
*4 Sims/Fensterbrett
*5 to utter sth. = etw. von sich geben

06.01.15 um 21:40

Exakt eine Woche nach diesem Wendepunkt der Ereignisse standen Levi und ich vor der offenen Tür des Atriums. Ein kühler Wind strich mit spielerischen *** durch mein Haar, das nun glänzend braun bis zur Kante meines Kinns hinabreichte. Einige vorwitzige Strähnen tanzten wie die Halme der winzigen ungemähten Wiese vor dem Haus im lebhaftigen Atem der Brise. Von den Ohrspitzen abwärts wellte sich meine Mähne leicht wild und schwungvoll. Auf der rechten Seite zeigten die Spitzen der kurzen Kaskaden zu meinem Gesicht hin, auf der linken deutete der Schwung geradewegs weg davon.
Der Lufthauch verfing sich in den Falten des dunklen Wollschals, den ich fest um den Hals geschlungen trug und ließ den weißen Hemdkragen meines Gegenübers wie eine Fahne in den ungestümen Böen f***rn.
Es war früh am Morgen des Tages, kaum später als acht Uhr. In meinem Mund haftete noch der Geschmack warmer Milch und der Überreste von Pfefferminzzahnpasta. Nur beiläufig blickte ich an mir herunter und wollte lächeln. Zu große Kleidung, noch immer, aber sauber und micht dem leichten Duft der Stadt am Abend und von Zitronenseife, fiel warm und angenehm über meinen Körper. Mein Blick verlor sich in den Erinnerungen an einen der letzten Abende, als plötzlich laute Klaviermusik das seltsame alte Haus erfüllt hatte. Ich war neugierig gewesen, herauszufinden, ob mein misteriöser Gastgeber selbst die Tasten drückte, oder es sich um einen Tonträger handelte, doch die Tür zum Turmzimmer im dritten Stock war und blieb verschlossen, selbst wenn er sich darin befand.
Ich streifte die Ärmel des Hemdes über meine dünnen Handgelenke. In meinem Bewusstsein keimte die Frage auf, ob es mir eines Tages passen würde. Mich und den edlen Spender trennten kaum zehn Zentimeter an Körpergröße und trotz seiner alltäglichen Verschwigenheit war ich inzwischen sicher in dem Schluss, dass er älter als ich sein musste.
"Ich bin nicht lange weg. Sieh zu dass du nichts kaputt machst, Göre." Er benutzte dieses Wort verhältnismäßig häufig, sobald er sich zu einem Wortwechsel mit mir herab ließ, und ich war mir irgendwie sicher, dass es nicht der höflichsten Umgangsform entsprach, doch ich nahm es kommentarlos hin. Ich fühlte mich sicherer in seiner Nähe als bei so manchem, der freundlicher zu mir gewesen war. Ich hatte das Gefühl, einem guten Menschen begegnet zu sein. Man erzählte sich doch, Kinder könnten direkt ins Innere anderer Menschen blicken und würden sich nicht täuschen lassen von jeder Schauspielerei und äußeren Fassade. So mochte es wohl sein.
Gelassen blinzelte ich über die Schwelle der blassen, wolkenverkleideten Sonne entgegen, deren ungewöhnlich blasse Farbe mich unversehens an eine vor Schreck erbleichende Zitrone erinnerte. Mir ging es gut. Warmes Wasser, warmes Essen, warme Kleider, ein warmes Bett, auch in mir drin fühlte sich die Welt plötzlich warm an. Die kühlen Blicke aus Levis stählernen Augen störten mich dabei wenig.
"Ich komme mit."
"Du bleibst hier."
"Oh, bitte!", flehte ich mit typisch kindlicher Sturheit.
Ich gab auf, weil ich schnell gelernt hatte, dass man mit ihm nicht verhandeln konnte.
"Ich hoffe, sie kommt."
Nach diesen Worten meinerseits zog ich mich zurück in den Schatten der Halle und schloss die breiten Türflügel aus dunklem Holz, während ich aus dem Augenwinkel wahrnam, wie Levi über die backsteinrote Mauer kletterte.

[Der Levi-Text folgt leider erst morgen! Ich hoffe dass macht nichts.]

06.01.15 um 21:40
Re: Down the streets

*** 1 - Fing.ern
*** 2 - fla.ttern

08.01.15 um 19:46

Die in dicken, dunklen Stoff gehüllten Arme vor der Brust verschränkt, trat der Grauäugige aus den Schatten und kam auf die beiden Neuankömmlinge zu. Er nickte kurz zu den Worten der Frau, dann schenkte er dem kleinen Mädchen an ihrer Seite einen fragenden Blick.
"So this is your daughter. According to your bagage and the fact that you brought her here too, I suppose you are going to stay with us from now on."
Die Angesprochene senkte den Kopf, um zu bejahen. Rotbraune Haarsträhnen tanzten um ihr freundliches Gesicht.
"Follow me."
Levi wandte sich ab und schritt davon, nicht über die Schulter blickend um sich vom Kommen seiner neuen Verbündeten zu überzeugen. Er führte sie auf dem selben Weg, den er sieben Tage zuvor mit Jette gegangen war, so lange bis sie die hohe rote Backsteinmauer erreichten.

09.01.15 um 21:47

Mit einem kaum unterdrückten "Tch." zog ich mich hinauf auf die Mauerkrone und streckte die Hand nach der des kleinen Mädchens aus. "Halt dich fest."
Es kostete mich nicht mehr als einen kräftigen Ruck, um sie hoch genug zu heben, dass sie sich mit den Allenbogen auf der Oberkante der Backsteinwand abstützen konnte. Mit einem leisen Ächtzen drückte sie sich nach oben.
Für ihre Mutter deutete ich beiläufig auf die heraustretenden Steine. Ab einem gewissen Alter musste man hier selbst ein- und ausgehen können.

Schon als wir die wenigen Schritte über den wilden Rasen bis zu den gräulichen Stufen des Eingangs zurücklegten, flog die Tür zum Atrium auf und Jette sprang auf die Terasse. Ich gönnte mir einen kurzen Moment Selbstzufriedenheit aufgrund meiner Fähigkeiten als Frisör. Das struppige, verdr.eckte Etwas von ein paar Tagen war kaum wiederzuerkennen. Auch wenn sie sicher noch nicht an Gewicht zugelegt hatte, sah das Mädchen lebendiger aus. Der Anblick meiner Begleiter brachte sie an den Rand eines kleinen Freundentanzes.
"Du bist gekommen!", ereiferte sie sich energetisch und legte die Hände vor der Brust zusammen.
"Jetzt bin ich abends nicht mehr alleine!"
Ich bot meine ganze Willenskraft auf, um einen höchst abfälligen Blick zurückzuhalten.
"Kommt rein."
Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 1 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 09.01.15 um 21:49 von LeviHeichou

09.01.15 um 22:04

Ohne auf ihren kleinen Monolog Rücksicht zu nehmen drehte ich mich nocheinmal zu ihr um.
"Sucht euch ein Zimmer. Jette wird euch bestimmt alles zeigen."
Damit wandte ich mich ab und stapfte die Treppe hinauf und den schmalen Korridor des ersten Stocks hinunter. Die Göre hatte ihre Zimmertür offen gelassen und ich schloss sie mit einem ärgerlichen Seufzen. Ordnung konnte man nicht lernen. Entweder man mochte sie oder man mochte sie nicht. Bei ihr war der Fall eindeutig klar.
Ich änderte meine Position um huntertachtzig Grad und Griff mit der linken Hand unter den Kragen meines Hemdes. Meine Finger bekamen ein festes Band zu fassen und förderten den angelaufenen Schlüssel zu Tage, den ich in der Öffnung unter der Klinke versenkte.
Es gab ein leises Klacken, als die Veriegelung zurück glitt und den Eingang zu meinen Räumlichkeiten freigab. Ich trat ein und verbarrikadierte die Tür hinter mir.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:19 pm

09.01.15 um 22:11

I was only in need of hearing my name to come running immedeatly.
"Of course I'm gonna show you round. Follow me!"
Without waiting for them to accompany me I started heading fastly towards the staircaise. In the main time my hands pointed at the different doors of the groundfloor.
"Kitchen, Dining room and there on the left behind the stairs you find the storeroom. The living quaters are up there." I energeticly touched the handrail of the stairwell.

09.01.15 um 23:51

Etwas in Gedanken versunken steckte ich mein Messer zurück. Der Tag schien sich dem Ende zu neigen, eine Ahnung wie spät es tatsächlich war hatte ich allerdings nicht. Ich war seit ewigen Tagen unterwegs, doch gelohnt hatte es sich wirklich. Um meine eigenen Gedanken zu verdeutlichen strich ich mir sorgfältig über den neuen, schwarzen Mantel und rückte den Kragen zurecht. Vermutlich tat ich das heute schon zum vierten Mal. Doch der Mantel hatte etwas an sich. Er war weich, trotz der Tatsache, dass er in der letzten Nacht komplett durchgeweicht war. Der Regen war zu stark gewesen, als dass er mich nicht hätte treffen können unter der Brücke. Meine Blicke huschten über das Gewässer, das vor mir lag und ich beugte mich hinunter, um meine Flasche mit diesem Wasser zu füllen. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so sauber sein würde, und war überrascht nur winzige Kleinigkeiten in dem Wasser schwimmen zu sehen. Ich kniete und schraubte den Deckel wieder auf die Flasche, nachdem ich einen kräftigen Schluck getrunken hatte. Unter dieser Brücke hatte ich den ersten und letzten Tag meiner Reise verbracht - mit einem Unterschied. Anfangs war ich allein, auf meinem Rückweg nicht mehr.
"Mit etwas Gesellschaft reist es sich immer besser", waren die ersten Worte, die ich von ihr zu Hören bekam. Sie hatte sich nicht einmal vorgestellt.
"Das kommt ganz auf die Gesellschaft an, meist du nicht?", antwortete ich ihr nd drehte mich zu diesem Zeitpunkt zu ihr um. Sie war auf den ersten Blick ein zierlicher Mensch, honigblondes Haar, was ihr bis zu den Schultern reichte. Ihre Haare zeigten mir einen misslingenen Versuch einen Pony zu schneiden, er war weder gerade, noch schief, er war eher im leichten Zick Zack angesetzt, was mich bei ihrem ersten Anblick etwas verwirrte. Ihre Augen sind weit geöffnet und hell, auf die Farbe hatte ich noch nie geachtet. Ich sah sie langsam an, von Kopf bis Fuß, die Kleidung war relativ dunkel gehalten, bis auf die Schuhe, die grün waren und relativ neu aussahen. Sie schienen ihr zu groß zu sein, zumindest dachte mein inneres Auge, dass diese Proportionen nicht stimmen könnten. Sie machte einen Schritt nach vorne und sah mich schräg an. "Fine", sagte sie mit einer entschlossenen Stimme und deutete einen leichten Knicks an. Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich das als Spaß verstehen sollte oder nicht, aber meine Mundwinkel schienen ein Lächeln zu formen, wenn auch eines, dass eher herablassend wirkte. "Doch so höflich?", fragte ich das Mädchen und drehte mich wieder um, sodass ich weiter laufen konnte. An dem leichten Quietschen ihrer zu großen Schuhe merkte ich, dass sie mir folgte. "Sie offenbar nicht", erwiderte das Mädchen, und nach anfänglicher Verwunderung, weshalb sie mich siezte, begann ich zu lächeln. Auch wenn mir noch nicht klar war, ob sie nun scherzte oder nicht, gefiel mir die Art wie sie sprach, ihre Stimme war weich und hatte einen angenehmen Klang. Es war offensichtlich, dass ich älter war als sie, aber ich hatte auch mir im Alter überlegene Personen noch nie gesiezt. Ich blieb stehen, woraufhin sie auch stehen blieb. Ich spürte, wie sie meinen Nacken ansah, worauf eine Narbe zu sehen war. Ich machte zwei Schritte vorwärts und blieb wieder stehen, sie folgte meinen Bewegungen und meinem Gang. Wie ein Schatten folgte sie mir bis zu meinem derzeitigem Lager, am hellichten Tage, dem dritten meiner Reise. Erst als wir dort ankamen begann sie erneut zu sprechen. "Darf ich Ihren Namen erfahren?", fragte sie, nachdem sie aufgehört hatte mich nachzuahmen. Sie legte wieder ihren kleinen, runden Kopf schief, und ich sah sie vermutlich genauso fragend an, wie sie mich.
"Darf ich erfahren wieso du mit mir hier her gekommen bist?", sagte ich und setzte mich auf den kühlen Boden. Es war ein gepflasterter Weg, der in einen Wald hineinführte, und bei einer Lichtung endete. Es hingen Schilder überall, nur lesen konnte ich sie nicht immer. Eine Fähigkeit, die ich nie wirklich perfekt beherrschte, und nach einiger Zeit auch einfach nicht weiter ausbaute.
"Wieso nicht?", war ihre Rückfrage.
"Ich könnte ein Verge.waltiger sein, ein Mör.der, ein Kin.derschänder"
"Ich habe nichts zu verlieren", sagte sie und blickte mich das erste Mal direkt und mit geradem Kopf an. "Außerdem glaube ich das nicht. Ihr wirkt nicht wie ein Vergew.altiger. Auch nicht wie ein Mö.rder und ein Kind bin ich nicht mehr, was letzteres in unserer Zusammenstellung ausschließt."
Ich kannte noch nie ein Mädchen, dass so gewählt sprach.
"Du glaubst. Glauben ist nicht Wissen. Du hast aber Recht", begann ich. "Zu Mindest bei dem ersten und letzten, Mädchen", sagte ich und legte mich auf den Boden und versuchte zu schlafen. Sie tat es mir gleich, und auch wenn der Boden etwas kühl war, war diese Nacht angenehmer als die letzten.
Die darauffolgenden Tage lernten wir uns kennen, sehr gut sogar, dass muss ich zu geben. Ich erfuhr, dass sie mir schon seit 1 Tag folgte, bevor ich sie bemerkt hatte. Einige würden es Leichtsinn nennen, doch ich muss sagen, ich finde es erstaunlich mutig.
Und nun saßen wir beide unter der grauen, steinernen Brücke und packten unsere Sachen zusammen. Ich hatte ihr erzählt, von Levi und dem Haus. Sie war gespannt und konnte es kaum erwarten, dass Haus zu sehen. Und heute war es soweit. Ich hatte vor zurückzukommen, nach 9 Tagen unterwegs. Wir gingen den Weg, den ich vermutlich schon hunderte Male ging, und stieg die Steine hinauf, um zum Haus zu gelangen. Der Garten ist grüner geworden, glaubte ich jedenfalls, und auch Fine staunte über die Pflanzenwelt. "Oh, wow", sagte sie mit strahlenden Augen, "Habt Ihr das geplanzt?", fragte sie. Ich grinste. Dass sie mich siezte, werde ich ihr wohl nie abgewöhnen.
Ich drückte die Klinke des Hauses herunter und drückte gleichzeitig auf die Klingel. Vier oder Fünf mal drückte ich den Knopf und immer wieder ertönte ein schriller, hoher Ton. Ich stapfte in das Haus und zog meine Schuhe von meinen Füßen.
"Levi, du alte Krähe", rief ich in das Haus hinein. "Komm runter und mach mir was zu essen, Derek hat Hunger", ich lachte bei den Worten und ging in das Innere, Fine folgte meinen Schritten, auch wenn sie nun etwas verängstigter aussah als noch vor einigen Sekunden.

10.01.15 um 0:22

Sie öffnete die Tür zu ihrem Zimmer und gewährte den beiden Neuankömmlingen einen kurzen Blick auf ihr erstes eigenes Refugium. "Und nebenan ist es auch...-"
Unten klappte eine Tür.
"Levi, du alte Krähe, komm runter und mach mir was zu essen, Derek hat Hunger."
Wie eine Spungfeder schoss die schlanke Braunhaarige in die Höhe, die sich soeben noch auf einer weichen Bettkante niedergelassen hatte.
"Wer ist das?", wollte die Frau mit roten Haarlocken neben ihr wissen.
"Ich... weiß nicht." Jette schüttelte energisch den Kopf. "Außer Levi... wohnt keiner hier."
Nachdenklich und ein wenig unsicher biss sie sich auf die raue Unterlippe. "Ich gehe nachsehen. Wartet lieber hier, was?"

Die metallenen Stufen der Treppe knarzten verräterisch, als das magere Mädchen sich hinab ins Erdgeschoss stahl. Das Eingangsportal des Hauses stand offen und mitten im Atrium zwei Gestalten, deren Gesichter sie noch nie gesehen hatte.
Sie duckte sich leicht hinter des verschnörkelte dunkle Treppengeländer, doch der Mann hatte sie bereits gesehen, so dass sie sich wieder aufrichtete und nun mit neuer Strategie versuchte möglichst selbstsicher zu wirken und so als wüsste sie, was sie gerade im Begriff zu tun war.
"Wer seid ihr denn?"
Oben öffnete und schloss sich eine weitere Tür. Obwohl sie seine Schritte nicht hören konnte, wusste sie dass Levi herunter kam. Kaum merklich atmete sie tiefer aus.

10.01.15 um 0:39

Ich streifte den dunklen Mantel von mir und hängte ihn an einen der Haken, die an der Wand befästigt waren. Einige Sekunden nachdem ich nach Levi rief, starrte mich ein Fremdes Gesicht an. Ein Mädchen, dürr und ängstlich sah sie aus. Ich betrachtete sie skeptisch, doch der Unsicherheit in ihren Augen konnte ich entnehmen dass sie keine Gefahr war.
"Keine Angst...Mädchen", sagte ich mit einem neckendem Grinsen im Gesicht. Ich schritt durch den Raum zu ihr herüber, zu meiner Verwunderung folgte mir Fine nicht wie sonst auch, sondern blieb regungslos an ihrem Standort.
"Wer will das wissen?", fragte ich nun doch etwas forsch und mein Lächeln verschwand. Ich zog es generell vor, den Namen meines Gegenübers zuerst zu erfahren.
"Jette", antwortete sie knapp und sicher in ihren Worten. Ihr restlicher Körper allerdings strahlte wenig von der angeblichen Stärke aus, die in ihrer Stimme lag, wobei ich mich fragte, ob das auch an dem abgemagerten Körperbau liegen könnte, was es vermutlich tat.
"Derek. Hast du wahrscheinlich schon gehört, wenn du aufmerksam warst". Ich hörte erneut das Knarzen der Treppe und hoffte auf Levi, der mir zu meiner Erleichterung auch erschien. Ich begrüßte ihn mir einer offenen Umarmung. "Was bitte ist hier passiert, als ich weg war?", fragte ich dann in einem ernsteren Ton und blickte leicht zu dem Mädchen, dass sich Jette nannte.

10.01.15 um 16:06

Der Rabenhaarige ließ die zur Begrüßung geöffneten Arme unbeachtet, legte stattdessen dem Neuankömmling eine schlanke Hand auf die Schulter und drückte sie leicht, beschränkte sich Anstelle von Grußworten darauf ihm in die Augen zu sehen und respektvoll zu nicken. Wenige Augenblicke darauf wandte er sich wieder allen im Raum Anwesenden zu und deutete auf den deutlich höher gewachsenen Mann an seiner Seite.
"Derek _____ [Nachnamen einfügen]. Ab heute habt ihr einen zweiten Boss."
Levi drehte sich nun wieder den drei Frauen am Fuß der Treppe zu. Von links nach rechts bedachte er sie mit einer knappen Geste. "Eve, ihre Tochter Kayla, Jette war schon dumm genug, sich selbst zu verraten." Das kurzhaarige Mädchen machte ein betretenes und dennoch auf ihre eigene Weise trotziges Gesicht bei seinem Tadel. "Und wen hast du da aufgelesen?"

10.01.15 um 16:19

"Klar." Ich zuckte kaum merklich mit den Schultern. "Ich glaube, ihr könnt euch eins aussuchen... Wenn ihr Hilfe beim Saubermachen braucht... Ansonsten sind Bettwäsche und alles andere in de Abstellkammer."

[Guckt mal bitte ins Album & sagt mir, welche Räume ihr für eure Charas möchtet! Danke ^^]

10.01.15 um 16:38

Nachdem dieser Levi fragte, wer ich war, setzte Derek schon wieder zum sprechen an. "Ich kann mich durchaus selber vorstellen", sagte ich und machte einige Schritte nach vorn in Levi's Richtung.
"Fine.", sagte ich und senkte meinen Blick, nachdem ich versucht hatte in seine Augen zu sehen. "Ich habe schon viel von Ihnen gehört", sagte ich etwas später. In seinem Gesicht konnte ich keinen wirklichen Gefühlsausdruck erkennen, obwohl mir so etwas sonst nicht sonderlich schwer viel. Mein Blick klebte an dem dunklen Boden, als wäre dort etwas interessantes zu sehen, was allerdings nicht der Fall war. Ich wollte ihn nicht ansehen, auch wenn ich dazu eigentlich keinen wirklichen Grund sah. Ich blickte auf und sah zu Derek, der allerdings mit sich beschäftigt war. Die anderen Mädchen sprachen über die Zimmer, und ich fragte mich ob ich mich mit ihnen anfreunden würde. Ich strich mit meiner linken Hand durch meine Haare und rixhtete meinen Blick woeder zu Levi, mit einem schief gelegten Kopf.

10.01.15 um 16:44

"Nehmt unseren neune Mitbewohner mit hoch und sorgt dafür, dass sie einen Platz zum Schlafen findet.", wies der Dunkelhaarige Eve und die Mädchen an. Dann richtete er seinen Blick wieder auf Derek. "Lass uns in mein Büro gehen und uns gegenseitig auf den neusten Stand der Dinge bringen.", schlug er mit ruhiger Stimme und vor der Brust verschränkten Armen vor.

[Antisozialer Mensch >.<]


Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 1 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 10.01.15 um 16:45 von LeviHeichou

10.01.15 um 17:00

"Nur zu gern", sagte er mit ruhiger und gelassener Stimme. "Aber vorher würde ich gern noch ein Bad nehmen". Derek begann zu lächeln und schulterte seinen schwarzen Rucksack, an dem schon einer der Träger fehlte. Auf ein leichtes Nicken von Levi stapfte er die Treppe hinauf und ging zuerst in sein Zimmer. Es war wieder staubig und man konnte nur mit Mühe erkennen, dass hier schon einmal jemand gewohnt hatte. Er stellte seinen Rucksack neben seiner Zimmertür ab und verließ es daraufhin sofort, um das Badezimmer aufzusuchen. Er zog das Shirt aus, die Hose und als letztes folgten die Socken. Eine der beiden hatte ein Loch, aber dass störte ihn nicht weiter. Er streifte (ist das rictig? Surprised) sich die socken von den Füßen und legte sich in das zuvor eingelassene Badewasser. Die Wärme war mehr als nur angenehm, und er verbrachte ungefähr 10 Minuten damit, sich einfach nur im Wasser zu entspannen.
Nahdem Derek sich gewaschen hatte, stieg er aus der Wanne und trocknete sich behutsam ab. Er nahm seine Kleidung und ging mit einem Handtuch umwickelt zurück in sein Zimmer. Die Kälte? Die ihm erwartete als er das Bad verließ ließ ihn kurz frieren, doch in seinem Zimmer angekommen begann er sich neue Klamotten anzuziehen.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:21 pm

10.01.15 um 19:29

"Ich bin seit 'ner Woche hier!", schaltete die Braunhaarige sich ambitioniert ein. "Ich hab sogar ein eigenes Zimmer, ganz für mich alleine, stellt euch das mal vor!" Jette strahlte über das ganze Gesicht und vibrierte vor Aufregung beinahe auf der Stelle. "Komm mit nach oben und ich zeig dir wo du schlafen kannst!" Energetisch die Hände vor dem Oberkörper zusammenschlagend wirbelte sie auf dem Absatz herum und eilte über die knarzenden Stufen hinauf in die oberen Stockwerke, während die anderen drei ihr folgten.

14.01.15 um 18:17

[Sure, I m sorry, ve been a bit busy recently, but i think i wilk write Derek today and Fine as well] + [I'm not really the pro of english tenses, soo don't judge me. Haha]

After I've changed and took on my basic black shirt and an old jeans, I started to put the things away, I've taken with me in my bag.
It was mostly just some basic things like drinks and some stuff to eat, but I've found - or to say it better: I've stolen a porte-monnaie [i bet there's another word for it in english, but i couldn't find it] and some jewellery. I packed these things in my shelf, which was just as dirty as I left it here. Finally, I went out of my room to go to Levi's and i knocked politely as I was standing in front of the door. "Come in, I heard him say and I followed his words. I closed the door right behind me.
"So..", I said and leaned on the wall. "What did I missed?"

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:24 pm

14.01.15 um 21:47

Ich folgte dem Mädchen die Treppe hinauf. Das Haus war wesentlich größer als ich es mir vorgestellt hatte. Die Räume waren groß und ich sah, das Jette genauso begeistert von diesem Haus war, wie ich. Und das nach einer Woche Eingewøhnungzeit.
Jette führte uns herum, mit einer hohen Stimme und sie sprach schneller als ich es von anderen kannte.
Ich folgte ihr nur still und lächelte zwischendurch als sie oder eines der anderen Mädchen mich ansah. Sonst musterte ich das Haus eher skeptisch. Ich war auch eher der Beobachter, als ein Erzähler.
Nach einigen Runden, die wir im Haus gelaufen waren und an den Zimmern angekommen waren, gähnte ich einige Male. Und ich war mir nicht schlüssig darüber, welches meiner Bedürfnisse ich zuerst stillen wollte oder konnte. Meinen Hunger oder meine Müdigkeit.
Nach einigen Sätzen, von denen ich nur noch die hohe Stimme von Jette wahrnahm, stemmte ich langsam meine rechte Hand in die Hüfte.
"Entschuldigung?", begann ich und machte einen Schritt in ihre Richtung. "Ich wüsste gern, wo ich mich hinlegen kann... Könnt Ihr mir vielleicht mein Zimmer zeigen?"

15.01.15 um 16:05

"Hey." Pamela woke up to the touch of a hand on her shoulder. Slowly she opened her eyes, quickly closing them again when being greeted by the blinding light of a neon lamp right above her on the ceiling. She could feel two arms scoop her up and when opening her eyes again she found Vince's face right across hers. He smiled at her the moment he noticed her looking at him and gently pecked her forehead before placing her onto the bar. "Good morning.", he said and tucked a strand of her hair behind one of her ears. "Good morning.", she repeated and tried a smile which changed over to a tired yawn and made her squint for a second. "You fell asleep with your makeup on.", he smiled and gently pulled of the short, purple wig she had on. Her face changed to a rather surprised expression and shortly after to an ashamed one. "We can take it off. Come on." Holding out his hands for her to grab them she jumped off the bar into his arms being careful not to ruin his shirt with the paint on her face.
After having pulled off the fake eyelashes and rubbing off the eyeliner and all that she had on, Vince was just applying some creme on her cute little nose and cheeks when someone came in. Pamela looked up to see who it was but was being held back by him, pouting and crossing her arms over her chest. He spoke a few words to the person, probably telling him or her to get out of his room. It didn't take her long to forgive him and just a few moments later it seemed like nothing had ever happened.
"We're going out again, alright honey?", she saw him say and quickly nodded, asking where exactly that would be. He didn't want to tell her so she left it at that. He had his secrets and she was okay with it. "We have to change your clothes, though. You're not gonna go out like this, 'kay?" Rolling her eyes she nodded once again and quickly put on one of the shirts he got her which went all the way down to her thighs, along with a plain black pair of leggings. He was right, it was definitely better than her costume. He eventually handed her a coat which was actually a 3/4 jacket for grown woman but it worked for her as a normal jacket. "Okay, let's go.", he gestured her and she quickly grabbed his hand before leaving the building.

15.01.15 um 21:48

Levi leaned back in his chair, crossing arms in front of his chest and looking at his counterpart in the significant expressionless way before starting to speak.
"You missed the arrival of three incredibly dumb and useless brats.", he complained slightly sighing. "It will take its time to make them useful to our intention."
The short boy turned his head to watch a straying cat searching its path trough the tiny garden's untamed wilderness. The famished, bony animal remindet him of the first girl he took along one week ago; small, cautious, surviving only on blank instincts. What a beneficial gift.
"Do you think we should let them recover a bit longer or start training immedeately?" , he returned to conversation.

15.01.15 um 21:57

" 'course.", wandte sie entschuldigend ein. "You can take every room you want, exept the ones in the tower. They are to Mr. ill-tempered." Jette stieß ein eher verständnisloses als abfälliges Schnauben aus, während sie ihre neuen Mitbewohner hinaus in den Gang geleitete. "I can't really believe yet that we are all allowed to stay here. I wonder wherefor they took us along. This thief thing Levi spoke about... Did this Derek guy tell you anything specific?", fragte sie das blonde Mädchen vor sich im Gehen.

16.01.15 um 13:42
Re: Down the streets
Zitat von Diako-Bee

[What relation do pam and vince have?]

They're not actually related but they treat each other like brother and sister.

16.01.15 um 14:41
Pamela and Vince

After having walked for about ten minutes Pam slowly got impatient and let go of his hand to ask him where they were going. "Guess.", Vince simply replied, not being able to hold back a mischievous smirk. At first she didn't dare to answer, not wanting him to think badly of her for expecting things from him but started her first attempt with running. But he shook his head, they were not going to run today. Neither were they going drinking a coffe what they used to do on cold days like this and they weren't going to the hairdresser either, though he might have needed a haircut. His blond strands were hanging over his ears already despite him normally keeping them as short as possible. So she made her next assumption and the next one and the next one but they weren't going to visit his uncle, go to the library to practice reading or watch the traffic counting how many cars of one color they would find. With disappointment clearly visible in her whole body language she stopped walking and let her arms drop to her sides. He stopped as well turning around to her, slightly tilting his head in confusion. "What is it?", she asked, giving him her most innocent look with those brown puppy eyes she had. "How could I resist these eyes, huh, honey?" He laughed, softly caressing her braided hair, after finally giving her an answer. "We're practicing wall climbing today." As if someone had flipped a switch, her expression instantly cleared up and she clapped her tiny hands together, smiling from one ear to the other. "Will you help me search a fitting wall?" She nodded eagerly and together they started looking the city up and down to find the best spot for her to practice climbing brick walls which was a skill everyone should have. You never know when you're going to need it.

"Vince, I found one!" She was talking so fast that he could barely make out what it meant she had to tell him but that wasn't even all that important because she was pointing at her find anyways. "Good job, Pam.", he praised her and gave her a thumbs up, getting closer to the wall she had been talking of. It was just a simple brick wall on the first gaze but looking closer you could make out a few bricks sticking out working like steps on a staircase. It was much higher than Pam was, being hardly over 4'5'', probably about 7 feet if more. "This is gonna be a challenge.", he murmured, getting a confused and questioning look by the little girl right besides him. "This is gonna be a challenge.", he repeated for her to understand and she just nodded in agreement. "Do you think you can do it?", he asked teasingly, getting an self-confident nod of her and before he knew it she was already half the way up. He had to admit, even though he was against her pole dancing at her age she definitely gained a lot of muscles with it. It probably took her just under 15 seconds to get up on the wall. "Good job!" He gave her another thumbs up and furrowed his brow when she didn't return to him just then. She couldn't see what he was saying due to her gaze being fixed on something behind the wall and not on him. It was no use, he had to get to her. Embarrassingly it took him longer than it took her but after all he was just the bartender so he didn't have to be as physically fit as she had to be as a dancer.
He waited for her to be in his grasp before softly touching her leg, causing her to jump a little and almost falling off of the wall. "Pam, what is it? Why aren't you coming down?", he asked, not being able to translate it for her as he was still holding on to the bricks of the wall looking for support. Thereon she simply pointed at what she was seeing before her. There was a big house surrounded by simple brick walls like the one they had been getting over, ivy was trailing along the walls partially covering up the giant windows. For a second they both just stared at it wanting to proof that they were not hallucinating but actually really seeing this. That was until they saw a man in one of the windows staring right at them.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:27 pm

20.01.15 um 21:32
A young policeman

[Great suprise. Wait and see. This guy will be usufull to the story later...]

The cold morning's light relfected in the trams freshly cleaned windows, creating shiny and unsteady images of the buildings passing by slowly outside in the fading mist. The small, shy noises from the outside world were blocked of trough the convex wall of red and irongrey steel. The slowly awaking town still provided calm and this seldom kind of morning magic, which he liked that much.
With a slight sigh, he pulled his dark green scarf down from his face, revealing pale skin covered with a swarm of dark freckles, which held nearly the same colour his wide, open eyes did. Some lonely snowflakes vanished out of his dark chocolate hair, as he ***ed out of his thin black gloves, securing them in his long brown coat's pockets. A small, hopeful smile covered his lips, making him look rarely kind and like a little boy.
"This is Old mining district. Passengers on the way to the outer districts please change here."
How the tall male liked the sound of this voice announcing this special station.
The old doors slowly slid away from the entrance. Already before they were fully opened, another guy in a similair coat and gloves pushed his way into the wagon. His short, ashcolored hair done in an undercut was piled with white icy dots, making him shake his head and spreaking the snow all over the other passengers. As he lifted his head, a bright and self-concious grin appeared on his face. "There you are, fool."
The shorter one roughly made his way to the darkhaired young man who was sitting right next to the exit he had come trough.
"Morning, Jean." The smile on the taller one's face had become even brighter. He stood and pulled his friend into a brief embrace, hugging him tightly.
"And, how are ye' today? It's the great date, remember?"
"Yeah..." Suddenly the freckled man seemed to be strung up in memories, lowering his gaze down to the ***pery floor, which was already covered with hundrets of wet and fresh footsteps left behind by all the ridership. "Oh man, I can't believe its already three years since we started our instruction. Time went by to fast..."
The other guy gave him a havy pat on the back, laughing out loudly. "Oh come on. These were three years. Its really time for them to send us on to work now." He made an poised face, standing straight and giving his counterpart a small slap against the arm. "Police squad number one: Jean Lindt and Marco Bishop."
The dark haired Marco smiled. It was a really adorable epxression, suiting him so perfectly. "Okay."

20.01.15 um 21:33
Re: Down the streets

[1. ***ed - sl.iped
2. ***pery - sl.ipery
How I love TM-word-censorship... *sighs*]


Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:33 pm

30.01.15 um 21:12

"We have to start right now. Well... tomorrow i think", i followed his eyes which were looking out of the window. "But how do you think we can..." i wanted to ask another question as Levi stood up from his chair to look out of the window. He looked not really happy about what he was seeing out there, so I made a few steps so i stood right next to him. I was looking out of the window, mit einem gewissen Staunen im Gesicht. [Omg, ich bin so bad.]
Nachdem ich zuerst nur das übliche Grün draußen sah, bemerkte ich zwei Personen, die uns mindestens genauso verwirrt ansahen wie wir sie. Beziehungsweise eher wie ich, meine ungläubigen Augen wandten sich zu Levi, der wie immer ein eher ausdrucksloses Gesicht an die Situation legte, doch ich sah in seinen Augen auch die Verwunderung, die sich in mir breit machte.
"Drei?", fragte ich nach und zog eine meiner Augenbrauen unglaublig nach oben. Skeptisch sah ich ihn an. "Nicht eher fünf? Oder wo gehören die zwei hin? Zählen müsste man die Neuankömmlinge, die - nur um es zu anzumerken - keinerlei brauchbare Fähigkeiten haben , auch noch können", ich begann zu Lachen.
Dennoch zweifelte ich daran, dass die beiden zu uns gehörten. Levi irrte sich normalerweise nicht bei Dingen wie diesen. Ich war mir unsicher über die Situation, ließ dies aber nicht nach Außen dringen.
Ich drehte mich um und langte nach der Türklinke, mit einem gezielten und festen Handgriff. Ich begann sie nach unten zu druecken, als ich merkte dass icj die Tuer ja verschlossen hatte.
Ich öffnete sie und nickte Levi auffordernd zu.

[Yes, I am sorry, and I'm sorry for this text, cuz i guess it is just the worst one i ve written recently. Well... "recently" i didn't wrote anything, but yeah. Its pretty bad though.
I may get into this RPG again, i really hope, but at the time i'm just not. Sorry. So i didn't wrote anything cause i wasn't able or more i wasn't in the mood for it. It may explain my bad writing.]
Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 2 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 30.01.15 um 21:20 von Disenchanted

30.01.15 um 21:25
Re: Down the streets

[Song: Goodbye Agony by Black Veil Brides.]
Hat nicht wirklich was mit dem Verlauf des Textes zu tun, aber ich hoers grade. Man kann allgemein mit Black Veil Brides Songs nicht viele verschiedene Geschichten in verbindung bringen, da erzählt jedes Lied seine eigene Geschichte. Aber sie sind eben geîl.

02.02.15 um 20:38

"I guess this meeting comes to its end now." The ravenette sighed resigning. "Let's get down there and catch some other stupid brats." Without waiting for any further response, he turned around to follow his companion down to the garden.

The two guys stepped out with similair emotionless faces, acting as calm and unperilous as they could. The dark haired male was the one to reach the strangers the first.
"Hi brats." His voice held the same indifferent note as always. "Don't try to leave and escape. It wouldn't be of any use and make things even more complicated than they already are." He glared at the unintended housebreakers with an icy cold in the eyes, examining them slowly and carfully.
The young mischief-makers were a boy and a girl, the second one beeing really small and of a low age. They did certainly not look as bony and famished as the others, but in some way they held the same kind of vibrancy; alertly, distrustfull, in a stoic way nervous. Levi could nearly smell their connection to the dusty streets out there in this city. Somewhere deep inside he allowed himself a satisfied grin, even is this expression never reached his lips. The best catch often comes by accident.
"Get down here. I guarantee your safety here as long as you don't take any sudden actions."
He did not stop fixing them with his narrow steelgrey eyes.
"I'm waiting."

03.02.15 um 12:33
Pamela and Vince

The second Vince realized that guy was looking at them he wanted to make a run for it but there was a tiny hand grabbing his arm holding him back so he could not.
"Stay.", she signalized him by tapping at the place next to her with her flat hand without even looking at him, her brown eyes still fixed on the males, another one stepped beside the other, curiously. So he did, certainly not as calm as she was.
"We should go, Pam.", he whispered, trying to get her attention by lightly shaking her shoulder, "Pam, look at me." He snapped his fingers in front of her face but she pushed them away, her eyes now wandering to the houses entrance where the males she saw in the room behind the window were stepping out. One of them started talking and the little girl quickly looked up to her companion in hope he would translate it for her. He did not, clearly earning some negative scores and she crossed her arms, trying to read the words off of the man's lips. It worked out quite well actually, he was talking very clearly, definitely easier for her to understand than when Vince was talking. When ordering them to come down she didn't hesitate a second and was about to jump off the wall when Vince pulled her back, one arm around her waist.
"You're gonna hurt yourself.", he said, raising his eyebrows thoughtfully, before jumping down himself. He still did not trust these people but Pam tended to have a talent for finding trustful people and he did trust her a lot in the end so he was a little bit calmed down. If he had been alone though, he would've ran away instantly.
After having caught Pam who got down the brick wall as well and setting her on the ground he situated himself a little bit before her in a protective way.
"Tell me who you are. Both of you. Right now.", he ordered, his voice still fed with doubt. Pam tried moving forward but he held her back by pushing her slightly, something she did not like at all. But how was she supposed to protest when he couldn't see her, right?

09.02.15 um 17:58

[So she is not able to hear anything, did I get it right? This is what I call creative.]

Der dunkelhaarige Junge verfolgte die Szene mit wachsendem Interesse. Das Mädchen schien tatsachlich nicht in der Lage zu sein, zu sprechen oder zu hören. Er war sich ziemlich sicher, dass die Kleine von den Lippen ihres Begleiters las, ebenso wie von seinen. Sie wirkte beleidigt, als man sie einfach so vom Mittelpunkt des Geschehens davon schob.
"It's Levi.", beantwortete er schließlich unwillig die Frage des Fremden. "What are the two of you doing here? And, at first, what are your names?" Abwartend mit der Spitze seines Stiefels auf den dicht mit Gras bewachsenen Boden pochend, erwartete der Junge eine Antwort.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:39 pm

09.02.15 um 19:04
Pamela and Vince

"Levi, huh." The male took a moment observing his opponent looking him up and down a few times. He had never thought to meet someone shorter than him yet he apparently just did though it were just a few centimeters the two were apart.
"So first of all, we did not come here intentionally and are willing to leave every second." His body language showed how much he actually was, much screaming to run away, keeping Pam behind him who curiously followed their conversation as best as she could, in fact missing Vinces part.
"Secondly" he turned around to the black girl laying a hand on her shoulder to guide her forwards, "My name is Vince. She can tell you hers herself." And with that he kneeled down besides her.
"Tell them your name, honey.", he said, translating the phrase with his hands. The little girl looked up to them, moving her hands to spell "Pamela" in sign language. They probably wouldn't understand so she made a snapping motion with her fingers which meant as much as "Pam". They thought of that symbol themself to give her a nickname which was short to sign and easy to say.
"Her name's Pam.", Vince spoke, now back to standing straight up, making the little sign she did, giving her a halfhearted smile.
"But back to business, why exactly is there a house behind these walls and what are you doing here?"

09.02.15 um 19:37

"Tch." So he had been right, he thought to himself while giving the two of them a suspicious look. "I want to make one fact clear: Now that you are here, it would be really anoying to let you leave again. Especially now we could need some more support dearly." He could clearly see that the male stranger wanted to reply something immediatly, but he interrupted him with a short gesture of his hands. "Listen up, brats; I can easily spot the streets in you. Some more straying dogs in the packs out there." His arm pointed curtly somewhere over the red brick's frontier, isolating the tiny garden from the outside world. "I guess this is not the life you imagine for yourselves in dreams, huh? I guess further that we can offer you something, if you are willing to listen... So, what is your decision? We don't have the whole day to waste." Levi stood expectant, watching especially the small dark girl, waiting for any sign of agree- or disagreement someone without voice would give. It was fascinating and interesting.

10.02.15 um 19:45
Pamela and Vince

When hearing him talk for the first time he actually wanted to question his statement though he was interrupted by him immediately. Pamela watched closely with growing interest while Vince just wanted to make him shut up and leave.
"Let me make this clear: We're not from the streets." He put the last two words in quotation marks with his fingers. "We both have a job and we're already having a place to sleep and enough money for food and a little water so I don't see a need in staying here."
What he didn't mention was that both their jobs were pretty ***ty, while he was the bartender she had to dance for horny men, the place to sleep was often not more than the bar seats and they rarely got paid anything.
"We're fine how we are, thank you. I promise not to tell anyone about your little secret house but we're leaving, thanks for your concern." His words came out way more harshly and rude than intended but he wasn't going to take them back by any means so he just took a hold of Pamela's hand and turned around to go back to the brick wall they had got over here. That was until Pamela started pulling his hand and tried to free herself.
"What is it?", Vince snapped, letting go of her with an angry stare. Her eyes instantly started tearing up having never seen her best friend and protector so angry.
"But I don't want to be a dancer.", she signed, hands weak and tears starting to stream down her little cheeks.
"Why not, Pam?", he asked, this time a little more softly, apologizing, kneeling down to her once more.
"People say rude things to me.", she told him, "And they want to touch me and they look at me strangely. And Jerry always yells at me and hits me when I miss a beat. And the other dancers always tease me and hide my belongings and steal my food." At this moment her vision was so blurry that she could barely make out Vince's figure through all the tears.
"Pam, why haven't you told me about this?", he asked in concern, furrowing his brows while brushing a thumb over her cheek to get rid of the tears. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He gently picked her up, her body shaking, small sobs and hiccups to be heard every few moments, trying to comfort her by holding her closely.
"It's okay honey.", he whispered, despite knowing she wouldn't be able to hear it. He was really going to change his mind for this little girl, it was almost unbelievable how fast she could change his mind. He gave the two males a look. Maybe he would accept their offer if it was still open. He had to. For Pamela's good.

13.02.15 um 21:12

Three... two... one... The ravenette's inner coundown was slowly running out. Nevertheless he was sure to be in time. The scene he was able to watch from nearby at the moment showed him enough for already to know about the change of desicion, maybe before the stranger realized this fact himself. Zero.
"You don't have to, if you don't want to."
Levi glanced at Derek, who had possibly come to the same conclusion the short male did, then he turned around to the two brats by the wall. Vince, Levi enacted to be trusting him in that fact, was doing the same thing. The dark haired nodded apperantly pensively. "Let's discuss the rest inside."
He turned on his heels and stepped back towards the house, rising over them in his clothes of ivy like beeing part of the small slice of sourrounding nature itself.
He pushed the broad entrance door open silently and made his way to the dining room.
"Come in."
Dieser Beitrag wurde bisher 1 Mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 13.02.15 um 21:14 von LeviHeichou

13.02.15 um 22:22
Pamela and Vince

As if he had known what they had been talking about the male who had introduced himself as Levi just assumed they were going to accept his offer which in this case was the most accurate thing to say. Without another word Vince followed him inside the impressive building, making sure Pam was alright, by now having her head burrowed in his shoulder and not sobbing anymore which was an improvement. She never cried too long normally anyways since she didn't like the feeling of it not being able to hear what was going on with her, the same reason she had never even tried to talk.
"What is the rest exactly?", Vince asked when stepping on the first stair of the houses terrace. Having felt the vibration in his chest the little girl on his arms eventually looked up again, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. The male placed a small kiss on her forehead and smiled at her in the hopes of having it returned which more or less worked out the way it was supposed to. In a trained move he set her down on her feet before her, though still having one of his hands on her shoulder in order to protect her. He still didn't fully trust these people so he'd be extra careful when it came to Pamela. She was everything he had and he for sure wasn't going to let them take it from him.
"And what about Pam? How can I know that you'll treat her right?" She didn't know what he was saying what he actually much appreciated.
"Will she get educated?"

15.02.15 um 18:17

Levi placed himself on a chair near the entrance to the dinning hall and took a relaxed position. "Of course she will. But for your first question, let me say it that clearly, we want to make you criminals. Come in finally." The stranger seemed confused by the males last request, since him and his small companion already stood inside the room, but right before he wanted to raise an eyebrow, another door to his right was pushed open and someone else entered with shoulders lifted high in something that was understandable as a feeling of guilt. It was a tiny, brownhaired girl with slender form and big eyes, which might have been compared to Pamela's brown puppy like ones.
"What exactly was your intent in going into the kitchen right now?" The ravenette stopped her movements with a severe gaze.
"It was just... I wanted to..." She shruged apologetic, shaking her head slightly.
"Sit down."
" 'kay..."
"Talk properly."
Just like a person of authority, Levi gestured at her as a sign of release and returned his attention to the waiting strangers. "What I wanted to say; We have some nonlegal business to do. Thatfor we could need a bit more support and we recently came to the conclusion that the two of you might be quite usefull." He made a break to grant his following words a greater meaning and inportance. "In exchange you would become part of our little community here. A warm bed, a room on your on, food - and the education you wished for your small escort there." He spread his arms in a gesture of offer. "Make your decision quickly."

[I'm sorry for my hasty style of writing, but I'm a bit under pressure at the moment. Loads of thngs to do for school... *sighs*]

15.02.15 um 20:45
Pamela and Vince

(It's okay, buddy, no one is going to blame you, don't worry.)

From the moment he heard the word criminal the blond boy was done with it. No way was he going to let Pamela get into that kind of business so early. Pole dancing had been the toughest limit for him, he didn't want her to do it, ever, but whatever type of thing these people had in mind, he was against it. Maybe he would do it, just to get his little protege the food and water she needed, hell, the warm bed sounded perfect to him, but he wouldn't get her involved.
"No." He didn't even notice the other girl coming into the room being too focused on his decision.
"No, whatever it is, keep her out of it." His answer was meant to be for her, it was a final decision.
"I'll do it, whatever it is, but keep her out of it, please. She shouldn't-" He realized too late that Pam could read every single word of his off of his lips.
"Pamela, no." He talked to her as if to a dog but he didn't care.
"I don't want you to take part in this." She was simply staring at him with this certain look he could never resist.
"Pam, listen, this is nothing for you. Of course anything would be better than your current job but you might regret this decision later on, trust me." By now he was translating for her again to make it easier for her. Slowly she rose her hands, forming a few words, clear and certain.
"But I want to." And with that Vince lost it.
"You don't know what's going to happen, Pamela, if you're going to hurt yourself, you might even get ***d, goddammit, you can stay with me, you should better stay with me, but you should keep to yourself, who knows where you'll be in a few months, a few years, Pamela, please, just-" He wasn't crying, but he was close. Burying his face in his hands he turned to the opposite site the people were sitting, trying to calm his breath and ruffling his own hair.
"My answer is clear and my answer is final, she is not going to be involved in this business.", he finally stated, despite getting an angry look from her and having her push him what didn't really affect him that much since he was much stronger than her.

18.02.15 um 16:28


Der Dunkelhaarige schnaubte leicht, auf eine beinahe spöttische Art und Weise begann er, den Kopf von Links nach Rechts zu bewegen. "It's all or nothing here. But maybe you got something wrong. Let me specify things that way: The crew we imagine consists of two divisions. The first is the actively operarting part, the one who takes action in the physical way. The second will consist of some IT-experts, who support us right out of this safe place here. I, personally, would like to make your little friend part of this one." Geruhsam faltete Levi seine Hände auf dem zerkratzten Rand der Tischpl.atte. "In fact, she was the one I wanted from the moment I stepped out into the garden, but I guess you would be quite usefull too."

18.02.15 um 19:13
Pamela and Vince

"No.", he repeated, "No. I said it and I said that it was final, my answer is no!" He couldn't quite process what this man had just told him, how she was the one he wanted and how he knew it straight away. How could a person as tall as him, not given how educated he was, pick someone he hadn't even seen in close up and being as small Pamela? Maybe it was just an empty phrase to confuse him, maybe it was some sort of higher force he couldn't understand, maybe this, maybe that. He was sick and tired of this. Whatever these guys planned, he was not in for it. Pamela didn't want to dance, fine, they would pick another job, see who was hiring children, maybe she would be a chimney sweeper given how small and how limber she was. But getting her into the illegal scene now would ruin her future completely and he clearly didn't want that. Sure, he didn't respect her opinion, but what did she know about the world, right? She couldn't even write properly.
"I promise to forget you, your plans and your cozy little house but we're leaving and we're sure not coming back." With that he grabbed Pamela's hand maybe a bit too roughly and turned on his heel to go back to where they came from. She didn't want to, pulling at his hand, poking him, trying to get a hold of objects that made a nice thing to hold onto, without any success. Vince wasn't even listening to what the males were saying, if they were shouting after them, he didn't care. All he wanted was to get Pamela away from these people.
After literally dragging Pamela across the brick wall and carrying her all the way back to the bar they were working at he eventually sat her on the chair in her room. All this time she had been giving him this look, the whole way and it hurt to see it, it really did. Just when he wanted to explain it to her, he hadn't quite figured out how to do it, the door opened and another male stuck his head inside.
"Her show starts in two hours, make her look acceptable and don't be late." With that being said he left, closing the door after him. Vince shook his head and sighed lightly. And now he had to explain.

(Don't worry, she'll come back. Stubborn little Pamela knows what she wants.)

01.03.15 um 21:16


"Poor girl. It has to be a pain, not beeing able to defend herself or state her opinion if nobody is willing to listen. She can't scream or shout to make people pay attention." The ravenette shook his head in a resigning way and stood from his chair. It was always the same one he took his seat on. It was made of dark wood and decorated with deep carvings, which were already halfly grazed by hundrets of soft touches by more fingers that he could possibly count though. The familair view made him realease a small sigh, only audible to himself. Nevertheless, Derek noticed how thoughtfull his compagnion was.
"Head high, old grumpy crow." He steped closer to the other male and put a hand on his shoulder, which was that low, he wasn't even in need of lifting his arm much. "It's not going to be long 'till we make them regret it. In a few month it's repay time."
At first, Levi didn't seem to pay much attention to what his fellow said, but then he clenched his fist and roughly slammed it on top of the table. His knuckles shimmered white even within his naturally pale and fair skin. "I know." Once again it was on him to shake his head, softly this time. "But why am I so impatient then? Formerly, I was able to wait for eternity and much longer." Moving his head in a way that made it possible to gaze at Derek and outside the window at the same time, he redrew the lines of the red brick wall behind the glass in his mind's eye. "Formerly... when things were fine, I guess."
Saying that, he shortly layed his own hand on his companion's shoulder, squaring his own ones and freeing himself, then leaving the room without looking back.
I should get back to work. Doing nothing isn't really improving it.
His steps on the metal staircase rang clearly through the house. This time he wasn't even trying to hide the noises. The sound made the small manor feel less empty. He could smell their spirits all over here, the scent of coffee, leather and this unremarkable, selfmade perfume, which remindet him of blooming cherry blossoms dancing in the spring's fresh breeze. He could taste it, feel it, but was not able to touch or to see what was all the day clearly and unmistakable around him.

02.03.15 um 20:40

One hour passed in which Vince tried to explain his decision to Pamela and still she didn't understand. It wasn't the language barrier that was keeping her from understanding, she just didn't get it. How could it be bad to live in a huge house with other people she liked and a job that didn't push her to her limits?
Right now her situation was the following: She didn't have a home meaning she didn't have a place to sleep nor did she have a place to stay when not having to work except for the streets. Besides that she hardly earned anything and water as well as food were things she honored and respected. Her clothes consisted of old things they had found in the garbage bins if it wasn't her costume she was wearing and her job was one for himself.
Regarding the working conditions she had to dance on a pole on a small platform which hardly had a radius of five feet in total and the pole was about eight feet tall which equaled in an extremely high risk of injuring herself. She fell from the pole quite a few times now and it even happened to her that people tried dragging her off the platform which resulted in a three days long paralyzed Pam. Coming to her costume she usually wore a lot of makeup which wasn't all that good for her since most of it was somewhat toxic because nobody gave a damn about testing it before handing it out to their customers. Now what she was wearing was something you'd most likely see on a grown woman with strange interests like the other woman who worked in the bar with her. It wasn't much more than a bikini basically, lace underwear, just a top shaped like a bra, panties and knee high socks with strap holders which were all lace as well. For the shoes she had a well made pair of high heels which was quite rare since her feet were extremely small regarding her low age. So all in all it was a pretty ***ty job she should definitely keep away from. But the worst part of it all was the dancing.
Now I'll give you the facts again. Pamela is a nine-year-old from the streets. She's deaf meaning that she can't hear to safe her life and since not being able to hear herself can't talk because she never learned how to do it. She's a dancer. She's deaf. Think about i for a second, I'm sure you'll figure it out. So that's that. Moving further on her only family is Vince, the bartender in the bar she's working at who found her when she was a little baby and taught her everything she knows. She's been working in this bar for five years now and Vince is telling her to stay and to refuse getting a newer, easier, better job because he thinks it's best for her. So what would you do? Stay, because you listen to your wannabe-dad or just make a run for it? Well, guess what Pamela did. She ran.
It was after her show, she still had her makeup and her costume on and it was past midnight. She was tired and the air was cold, she couldn't even bring a jacket with her and her body, especially her ankles, were weak. She just had to fall eventually and when she did she one, twisted her ankle and two, scratched her knee. What she did was she just sIipped out of her shoes, held them in one hand and moved on. She refused to feel the pain, the aching ankle, the ice cold stones underneath her bare feet, the burning wound on her knee. With the strong attitude she had it was easy finding the place she had visited the day before and with a little bit of effort she climbed over the brick wall, unfortunately falling down on the other side. For a few seconds she kept still, now having a slight headache and a hurting side. As if it couldn't have gotten any better on her way to the house, she slightly weaved because of her slight lack of sight and orientation, she stepped onto something sharp. Whatever it had been, maybe a stone or something comparable, it hurt and it hurt a lot. Tears were starting to stream down her face taking the mascara and eyeliner with it making her look like an Emo kid just worse. Panda wouldn't be the right description in this case though Pamela liked to use that term from time to time.
Sobs were to be heard making her body tremble when she finally reached the veranda and the tough little girl pulled herself together one more time. Using the back of her hand she wiped away the tears only making it worse before she slightly knocked on the door, not knowing how loud it was. By now she must look like a complete mess, her knee scratched nasty, covered in dirt, her makeup all over her face and the red puddle underneath her right foot not to forget the by now slightly swollen ankle. But she made it and that definitely was a reason to be proud of herself.

04.03.15 um 17:37

It was Jette, who knocked his door heavily like an earthquake in the middle of the night all out of the sudden.
Levi had been so immersed by the keys of his piano, that he didn't notice the slight sobbing noises, the sound of a body pitching the grass outside in the garden. Not even the banging at the front entrance reached his ears, which were all occupied with tones and notes, while his eyes were fixed on the black and white pattern of the keyboard under his hands.
Seine schlanken Finger tanzten mit den leisen Tönen, hell und dunkel, unbeherrscht und fließend. Er spielte schnell an diesem Abend, vergaß seinen Blick auf etwas anderes zu richten als die sich bewegenden Holztasten des Klaviers. Unter seiner Berührung schienen sie zum Leben zu erwachen, sich zu ducken und wieder aufzustehen, nur dem unsichtbaren Muster der Melodie Folge leistend. Levi selbst saß zuerst regungslos, nur die Füße, immernoch in schweren braunen Stiefeln, drückten die beiden schmalen Pedale und ließen den Klang des Instrumentes sich stetig zu einem andächtigen Echo vermehren. Als die Zeit voranschritt und die Stücke immer schneller, immer wilder und aufreibender wurden, folgte sein Kopf seinen Händen in der Partitur, sachte bewegte er sich mit der Musik, wiegte sich wie ein ängsliches Kind, dass auf der Bettkante sitzend seine Knie umklämmert hält, nicht wagend, in die Dunkelheit darunter zu sehen. Levi Blackspring fürchtete sich nicht vor den Schatten seines Zimmers. Er hieß sie willkommen, ließ es zu, dass sie ihn und alles und jeden bedeckten. Er machte sich nicht die Mühe, den Raum zu erleuchten, denn er sehnte sich nach erlösender Finsternis.
Manchmal, abends, wenn es im Haus still geworden war, bildete er sich ein, sie hören zu können. Ihre Schritte auf der Treppe, leises Lachen im Speiseraum, das Klappen der Türen im Atrium. In einigen Nächten kamen sie zu ihm herauf. Er spürte ganz deutlich die Vibrationen ihrer Schritte vor seiner Tür, meinte sogar sie atmen zu hören, doch sie wagten sich nie herein. Nicht einmal, wenn sie nicht verriegelt war.
Levi schloss die Augen, hieb nun blind und nur seinen Ohren folgend auf den schwarz-weißen Wald unter seinen *** ein. Sein Atem ging plötzlich so schwer wie schon lange nicht mehr, und er wusste nicht, wie lange er gesessen und gespielt hatte, doch allmählich wurden seine Arme und Beine schwer. Als jemand an die Tür zu hämmern begann, dachte er zuerst an Derek, den einzigen mit dem er sich lange Zeit diesen Ort geteilt hatte. Doch Derek hätte niemals versucht, in einem solchen Moment auf ihn zuzukommen.
Die letzte Note, die der Schwarzhaarige spielte, war ein hohes Fis. Er stand schon halb auf den Füßen dabei. Langsam schritt er hinüber zur Tür und lehnte sich schwer gegen das dunkle, rissige Holz, einen Arm über seinem Kopf auf die raue Oberfläche gepresst.
"Was ist?"
"Da ist jemand an der Tür." Jette.
Er zog einen angelaufenen Schlüssel an einem dünnen Lederband unter dem Kragen seines Hemdes hervor und sperrte die Tür auf. Er schlüpfte hinaus in den Gang und schloss den Durchlass wieder, ehe sein Gegenüber einen Blick hinein erhaschen konnte.
"Ich gehe."

05.03.15 um 16:09

Just seconds after she had knocked the little girl questioned her decision. What if they didn't want her anymore. What if they weren't as they seemed to be before. What about Vince? Would he be okay? Would he go out to seek her? Would he find her? What would he do? Questions over questions started forming in her small head and that together with her graceful fall from the brick wall resulted in a headache. She didn't know how long she just stood there and stared at the old wood the houses door was made of and tried following the pattern to keep herself from fainting right there right then but at some point she grew impatient. When did she knock again? How long ago? Maybe she didn't do it hard enough, maybe they weren't able to hear it. A silent sigh left her lips as she changed the heels she had in her left hand to the other one to knock once again, this time a little harder. As she turned around for a second she noticed her wig lying on the ground, she must have lost it when tripping over the stone that sliced her foot up. Still contemplating on whether or not to get it she didn't notice the figure standing in the door frame until she decided to let the wig be the wig and stay where she was, not just because she didn't know how good walking worked with her injured foot and ankle. When eventually noticing the raven haired male standing just a few feet in front of her she jumped a little, instantly regretting it and making a face because it hurt so bad. Tears were starting to find their way down her face again and she sank to the ground, eyes closed, her heels lying next to her and a bloody stain underneath her foot growing steadily.
"I'm sorry.", she signed, "I'm sorry." That was all she knew at the moment. She didn't want to be a crybaby but having carried herself all the way to his house on her own with all the worst case scenarios she could have possibly gotten was just too much for her.

(Short and bad, wow. I'm really sorry.)

09.03.15 um 22:26

The ravenhaired male didn't respond to her apologies. Instead he kneeled down besides her and put his arms under the trembling girl's tiny body. Silently she was carried into the house. The only noise was provoked by the heavily closing door, which was kicked back in place by the heel of a boot.
It was not lighter inside the bulding than out in the garden. Only soft rays of moonlight made their way down to the wooden plank's intertwined pattern. Jette stood at the bottom of the staircase.
"Go get some warm water.", Levi ordered quietly. "And a blanket too."
He calmly placed his human find on the old armchair next to the window. After that he remained by Pam's side, waiting. The small sobbs lasted while he was upright by her side. Levi looked down at her face, finding her eyes slightly opened. Slowly he raised his left hand and made the same snapping motion with his fingers the girl had used to name herself earlier this day.
"Are you alright?", he asked in a low volume, aware of the fact that she could not hear him anyway but read the words from his lips. "Why are you here? Does "Vince" now that you are?"
The brownhaired rused down the stairs, bringing the few things the boy told her to.
"Put her legs on the stool. They seem to be injuried."

[If yours is bad, what would mine be like? It's really great, don't worry! Sorry for this one instead. For apology: I'm actually tired.]

11.03.15 um 14:46

(Well, if you think so.)

Only partly did the little girl notice what the older male did, hardly recognized he was carrying her until she was placed onto the old chair near the houses entrance. For a while she just sat there, sobbing her heart out. She had always hated the feeling she got when crying, the way her throat vibrated. How was she supposed to know if someone heard her when she couldn't even hear herself?
Levi calling her by her nickname or rather signing to her eventually got her out of her crying state though she was still trembling like a tree in the wind. She had almost forgotten about his presence until then and quickly cleaned her face, or at least that's what she thought she was doing, in fact smearing the makeup all over her face and even accidentally getting off one of her fake eyelashes which fell on the ground next to the chair.
With a lot of afford she was able to read what he was saying off of his lips, at least a few words to build the sentence herself. Though her answer was nothing more than some uttered words and sentences formed with her small hands that were covered in dirt and makeup.
"I don't know, I'm sorry, Vince doesn't know anything, please help me, I'm sorry" That's what you could make out of the hand gestures, mostly apologies and senseless rambling. This situation was confusing and scary at the same time for her and she really didn't feel good. That's why she forgot they wouldn't be able to understand her or at least she was sure they didn't know sign language. But what else was she supposed to do, she didn't know anything other than that and she could be glad she even remembered that much.

(Ugh, another one of these... Sorry.)


Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 6:43 pm

23.03.15 um 19:27

The raven haired shook his head slowly in resignation. What could he have expected? He had known before that she was not able to speak. Why did he even try to make her answer?
Letting slip a small sigh leave his pale lips, he placed a hand on his neck and seemed to be silently thinking for a little while.
"Are you able to write?", he finally uttered slowly, hoping she would be getting anything he said, even through her still watery eyes. And at least it looked like she had unterstood, for her moving her head from the left to the right this time.
Levi could not help but put on a slightly spent face at this simple response. How was he supposed to communicate with this girl if she was deaf-mute and he not able to speak or read any sign language?
In the end he decided to let the conversation be a conversation and instead to take care of her wounded leg and foot by at first carefully examining the sort and gravity of the injuries. His diagnoses was: one sprained and swollen ankle, a deep and bloody cut at the downside of her right foot , a badly ripped piece of skin at her knee and a whole collection of diverse smaller cuts and scratches all over her body. Seeing this he was impressed of her having stopped her crying. After all, she could not be any older than ten.
"May I help anyhow?" The brunette stepped back to his side, kneeling down in front of the smaller girl. She looked quite pitying.
"You may take one of the towels and clean the smaller cuts on her shins. But be careful."
While Jette started to work, dipping the soft fabric slowly into the warm water, the boy went on regarding the other wounds. Having made a decision, he softly taped on Pam's shoulder, making her look down to him, while he asked her to keep still and tried to adjust her to the thought that it was going to hurt, probably a lot.
Having told her that much, he hurried into the kitchen, taking a light bottle from the cupboard and rushed back into the moonlit atrium. Grabing anonther towel, he spilled the whisky all over the material, then liftet it up and showed it to the little trembling slihouette on the armchair. Pamela just nodded, before he carefully went to clean the huge cut under her sole.

By the time they finished it was around three in the morning. The girl's legs were covered with ably wraped bandages, her face was freed from the remaining lakes of makeup and she stuck in a much to wide white shirt and darker trousers.
"That should be enough for now.", the black haired male declared in a neutral voice. "Whe should find her a place to sleep, where she will stay till tomorrow."
His brown haired counterpart nodded. "She may stay with me. There is enough room in my bed for the two of us. And if she stays with us longer, there are till enough rooms left in here, aren't there?"
The boy didn't take onto her question, only making a statement to the first part of her speach. "I'm fine with that. There is no need to wake the others by now. They'll see tomorrow."

Once again Pamela was picked up, this time carried up the staircaise and silently placed onto Jette's new bed. She looked really sleepy, not able to move even a finger. Her eyes were closing almost instantly.
"And you are sure that both of you will fit in there?", Levi expressed his doubts with a glance at the after all tiny doss.
"It'll be fine. The carpet over there is really fleecy."
It felt strange to him that this twelve-year-old gave up her confort that easily, simply pointing at the small carpet next to her bed, and it took it's time for him to realize once more that it was not even usual to her to sleep inside a building, somewhere where it was warm and dry. Having considered that, he agreed with her.
"Have a nice sleep, then." And he left and closed the door.

24.03.15 um 13:55

Vince could be lucky he did not have to be in the house while this procedure. Pamela's screams would have been the death of him. But he didn't even know she was there nor when she left neither the other morning.
At first he didn't even recognize Pamela's absence. Her shift had ended at eleven after which she disappeared in the dressing room. Normally she would get to him and sit underneath the bar waiting for him to finish and sometimes fall asleep while she was at it but today she didn't come. After half an hour he figured she just needed a little longer to take her makeup off, after one hour he thought she might have fallen asleep somewhere. Two hours later he was busy with a pretty blonde and three hours later, one hour before his shift would end, he didn't even question it anymore. After the end of his shift he took a while to notice Pamela still was nowhere to be found so he started looking for her. First stop was the dressing room which he hadn't even fully entered when already being kicked out again. The answer to his question if Pam was in there with them was a no though. He couldn't find her on one of the couches neither was she outside next to the dumpsters. Just now he began worrying. What if someone kidnapped her? What if she got lost? What if this, what if that, it all just made it worse. Not once did he get the idea of looking for her in the house they were both at the day before where she now lied on Jette's bed completely exhausted and passed out. By now it was already morning and the sun started making it's way onto the sky when he gave up. How ironic it was that he decided to rest just around the corner from where Pamela was, just over the wall and upstairs sleeping more or less peacefully.

(Sorry that it's so short...)

31.03.15 um 21:13

It was raining. She was making coffee. Little swirls of light water dust emerged from the silvery can she held. The metal felt comfortably warm under her fingers. While she grabbed some cups from the shelf, the first thunder roared in the distance. Some days ago the girl would have fled under one of the bridges along the river, would have cowered herself into the raising layer of mud near the waterside, barely protected from wind an waether by the holey brick ceiling over her, shivering, listening to the hasty sound of horseshoes on the stones above, the worker's shouting and the constant heavy dripping of icy water on the late dusty and dried out surface. She would have been hungry and cold.
The kitchen door swung open. Levi entered the dimly lit room, an empty teacup in hands, which he silently placed in the sink. The ravenette seemed to be deeply thoughtfull, so she literally winced as he suddenly started to talk.
"Call the others down to the dining room as soon as you are finished here."
"What's up?", Jette asked, curiosity appeared on her face.
Headshaking rewarded her question. "Be patient."
With that, he grabbed something out of the fridge, she could not clearly identify what it was in the hurry, and then left without any further comments.

[Okay, I'm fine with everything you said. About Eve & Kayla: I know it's somewhat dramatic 'cause this "woman and children" thing, but I would rather let them [or one of them] die somehow... It's just that they can't affort anyone outside this building who knows about what they are planning [yeah, no one except Derek and Levi knows yet, but this will change now]. There would be the other possibility for them to leave right now, just like Levi asking everyone a second time if they're going to join & stay before he is going to explain their goal. What's your opinion for that?]

31.03.15 um 21:15
Re: Down the streets

[For the music - check out I just discovered it by accident & it's somehow fun.]

01.04.15 um 13:50

(I'd rather let them leave before Levi gets to tell them anything. Children dying in rps was something I never liked and would not like to repeat. Even if the mother dies I don't think it would be okay since Kayla would be all alone and from where she is coming from she will probably turn into a deaf rock that doesn't move, doesn't talk and doesn't do anything for that matter. In other words: She would be so paralyzed that she would probably die as well. So yeah. Still, it's your rp so it's your decision. But I'd rather keep both of them alive.
The website is great but I'm happy the rain we've had for the last days disappeared so it's kind of just really bringing me down. Also it's a little confusing when you can see the sun and at the same time hear a thunder. But yeah, it's kinda cool and really fits your text for that matter.)

It was still dark when Pamela awoke the first time. She felt a little dizzy when sitting up. Her strength only lasted long enough to look around the room once, not picking up any details except the girl lying on the carpet a few feet beside her. She had to lay down again afterwards and quickly fell asleep again.
When she woke up for the second time this day it was not much lighter than it had been the first time and big drops of water streamed down the window of the room she was in. It took her a few seconds to fully wake up and for a while she just watched the raindrops on the window, how they tried to find their way downwards but where pushed elsewhere or conquered by other drops of water. Having seen over a dozen of them die she finally decided to get up. Yesterday evening was a blurry memory and she could only remember parts of it, those who referred to her injured foot mainly. Thanks to the bandage it had already gotten a little better and she was able to walk again, at least the way to the window wasn't all that painful, less painful than it would have been the day before. When looking out of the window she saw her purple wig on the muddy grass, now not purple but somewhat brownish and all tangled. She wouldn't be able to use that anymore. She didn't plan on either so it didn't matter. After watching the rain for another while she decided to see where exactly they had put her and maybe find her way back to where she knew where she was which in her case was the entrance hall. The most struggle she had on her way out of the room was the door. She had never seen a door knob before and it took her a while to figure out that you had to turn it to open the door. Standing in the corridor she was now completely confused. Too many doors. Way too many doors. At least there was a staircase which she finally just went down. This building was bigger than she had expected it to be.
Halfway down the stairs Pamela met Jette, the girl that had been there the night before as well. She timidly raised her small little hand a few inches and her gazed dropped to the floor. Right now she really missed Vince. He understood her. He was someone she could talk to. But now none of these people understood a thing and she had no one to talk to. If only she knew that he was just a few streets away sitting in the cafe they used to be in drinking a hot chocolate and thinking of her as well. If only they knew.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Apr 25, 2015 8:26 pm


When he noticed the light steps on the parquet outside the dinning room, he slowly got up from his seat and pushed the only half-closed door fully open. Pam didn't even notice the movements until he was by her side, though she had turned him her back, facing the large entrance door on the other end of the atrium. Carefully Levi placed a hand on her shoulder, making her jump a little anyways because she hadn't expected anyone around. As an apology for scaring her like that he handed her a small glass bowl filled with caramel pudding, sliently forming a "I'm sorry." with his lips.
At first, the small girl seemed slightly confused, but at least took the pot along with the spoon stuck in it. Seeing her do this, the ravenette furrowed his brows for a moment, soon after that asking, while pointing at the cutlery,: "Can you tell me how to spell that with your hands?"

[Sorry for the shortness again. I didn't want to foreclose all of her reaction. :]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Sarahleen So Apr 26, 2015 7:50 pm


When eventually reaching the entrance hall Pamela got confused by the doors once again. There were just too many doors. Just as she figured the largest of them all was the main door that led outside when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Out of a reflex she jumped a little and quickly turned around, just now noticing that it had only been the raven haired male from the day before. In an instant she calmed down again and took the small bowl he handed her, still a little bit confused. What confused her even more was what he said just moments after his apology. He wanted to know how to spell with his hands? Following his finger she soon figured he meant the spoon, though pointing at it once more. Seeing him nod she nodded as well and then pointed at it once more, before making a gesture with her hand as if pretending to eat out of the bowl. That's what spoon meant in sign language. After a second she remembered what she actually wanted to ask him before he scared her and pointed at her feet and then the door. Were her shoes still outside?


Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Mi Apr 29, 2015 7:39 pm


He nodded to her as a sign that he had understood her little lesson, when she lowered her outstretched finger down to her feet, giving him a questioning look.
For a second he slightly frowned, considering different possible meanings of the gesture.
Did she want to go outside? Her hand pointed at the heavy entrance door now, but still he believed that this wasn't what she wanted to tell him. If it was, there would have been no need for asking. Further, why should she want to go? It was raining cats and dogs on the other side the huge window.
Diving trhough his thoughts for another moment, he came to think, among other things, about something Pam brought along, something the girl held in her hands at night, when she stood in front of him.
The crinkles between his eyebrows flattened.
"Do you look for your shoes?"
Seeing her move her head in a gesture of agreement, he tried to remember where he left them.
"I guess they are still on the veranda. Do you want to get them yourself or shall I go?"
Instead of an answer the tiny figure turned around and slowly hobbled in direction of the wooden door leaves, pushing one of them open under visible effort, struggeling with its weight.
As soon as only a small gap arose between door and hinge, a powerfull wind gust made its way into the hall, creating goose bumps on the skin of the attandees. Voluminous grey raindrops panited the floor with a strange, shimmering pattern as far as they could reach.
Pam hurried to take a step outside, slightly tilting her head when letting her searching gaze run over the wet stonefloor.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Sarahleen Di Mai 05, 2015 7:06 pm

It wasn't hard to tell that he certainly had not understood what she meant at first glance but instead of repeating it she just waited a few seconds, shyly hunching her shoulders in fear she did something wrong. It was kind of fascinating how you could almost see the cogwheels in his head spin around in order to get him thinking. We're her gestures really that complicated? No matter what the answer was, she never would be able to know it anyways.
It took him quite some time for him to figure out she was looking for her shoes but when he did it brought a small smile on her face and she nodded eagerly. It only took one word, which in this case was veranda, to get her moving. She skipped the last part of his sentence by turning around after having handed him the bowl back, not out of impoliteness but because she didn't know he even attempted to say a second sentence.
After having struggled with the door for a short while she finally got it to open just wide enough for her to fit through. She didn't want to make the entrance all too slippery from all the rain that was getting in. So she hurried to get outside and find what she was looking for. Fortunately the shoes laid not too far from the door and it only took her a few quick but reconsidered steps she had reached the bright red objects and reach out for them with her little hands before hurrying back inside. Pushing the big entrance door back in place she just stood there for a moment before trying to get the excess water out of her braided and updone hair by shaking it which obviously didn't have much of an effect. Turning around to the male again she held the red heels up for him to see, a halfhearted smile on her lips. "Sorry for the water.", she signed as best as she could with the shoes in her hand before remembering he couldn't understand her. This would definitely be a huge bummer in the near future.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Sa Mai 09, 2015 8:14 pm


Cresting the forged staircase hurriedly, Jette rushed into the first floor's corridor, knocking at Eve's as well as at Fine's room with her tiny hands clenched to fists, shouting through the closed doors "Levi wants us to meet down in the dining room." and afterwards rushing away, up to the second floor to get this Derek guy down as well, cause she assumed that the ravenette would want his fellow leader with them too.
I wonder what he is going to announce. He's definetly out to tell us something, why else call all of us at once? But what will it be about? Are we finally going to learn about what exactly is going on here?

[I'm really, really sorry but my mind is somehow just like... an old chewing gum at the moment. I can't even think properly and don't even know why... o.O I still wanted to write now, cause I don't know when I will be able to the next time. I'm really, really, really sorry.]


As he heared the first down coming steps on the metallic steps of the staircase, he signalized Pam to follow him back into the dining room, where he had come from.
Crossing the dark, wooden doors, the small girl besides him came to see, first just as usual, an elongate, scratched but well waxed table sourrounded by a couple of unfitting and completly varying chairs of every kind. The board under the window was covered with piles of books, just as always.
What was new, was the huge equipement between window and table, resemling to a huge music stand, but instead of music sheets holding a white A2 writing pad at the foot of which there layed three black permanent markers.
When Levi seddled himself on his typical seat, the first of the others appeared on the door sill.
"Sit down everyone.", the black haired ordered, watiting for the newcomers to follow his insturctions.
"I'm going to explain you some things."

Derek was the last one to enter the room, accompagnated by Jette's tiny figure.
As soon as the two of them had made themselves comforable, Levi continued his talk:
"Before we cet started here, I only have one more question." As if to give his words a greater importance, he waited for a while, untill he readopted his announcement.
"Some of you might already have an idea what we are about to de here, but I want to repeat that this "undertaking" will be everything but easy and nice... There is high possibility that some of you won't be able to enjoy the fruits of our succes anymore. That's why I ask one last time, and remember that you won't be able to redecide: Do you want to join this?"
The ravenette turned his head patiently, giving everyone of the attenders a serious look on the eyes.
"This is your last possibility to chancel cooperation without getting badly affected by that choice... I'm waiting."

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Sarahleen Sa Jun 06, 2015 12:52 pm

She had been thinking about Levi's words all night, from time to time giving her sleeping daughter a worried glance. He was just too friendly to be trustful, letting them sleep in his house for free and even offering them something similar to a job. At the end of the night she came to the conclusion that she wouldn't let her daughter get in danger for something she already had. She had a job, she had a home, she had a daughter, there was nothing Levi could offer her anymore. When the small girl knocked against her door calling out Levi wanted to meet them all in the dining room she knew that this was her last chance.
Eve and her daughter weren't the last ones to enter the room but she kept standing in the door frame, awaiting his words. Just when he mentioned what she had figured out in the night, the whole last-chance-thing, she spoke up. "I'm out.", she said, "I don't want to stay." Suddenly all eyes were on her but she tried to stand strong and don't show her nervousness. "This whole ordeal isn't for me and I don't want to get my daughter in any sort of danger. So if you're okay with that we would like to leave now."
Silence followed her words which just increased her nervousness, leaving her with her heart beating so strong she could almost hear it and slightly shaky hands that she tried to hide by holding her daughters hands. She awaited a long talk about what she just confessed but Levi couldn't even get to it because all of the sudden a little dark skinned girl jumped off her chair and ran to the door.
Not only Eve but most likely everyone in this room stared at the child confused about her action when she opened the big wooden entrance door revealing a blonde man, his clothes soaked with rain but relief on his face when he got on his knees to pull the little girl into a warm embrace. It all happened so fast that no one could say a word. Levi seemed to be the first one to get back his voice.

(I'm so, so sorry for not replying in so long and then just giving you this crap but I just can't think of anything right now. From now on I will try my best to reply as soon as possible and not let you wait for so long again, I am really, really sorry.)


Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Di Jun 16, 2015 11:55 am


"Oh. That took it's time." The ravenette leaned back in his chair, legs crossed and his right ellbow supported by the scratched wooden tabletop. He glared at the scene with a nearly unremarkable glow of satisfaction in the eyes.
"Don't hesitate to come in. Vince, was it?"
As if he had only realized by now where he was, the blonde newcomer lifted his head from Pam's little shoulder and stared at Levi, facial expression boiling with rage. He opened his mouth, intending to say something, but the man on the chair interrupted.
"Don't you think we forced her to stay with us. We didn't. She arrived in the middle of the night, face full of make up and these ridiculously high shoes in hand. Not to talk about the rest of her clothing."
Vince's grim face turned around to his small protégé. Why didn't you say something?, his eyes asked the tiny girl in his arms. The look she returned him was troubled.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your family reunion, but we were about to discuss some important topics, so I would prefer both of you to sit down with us again." Levi seemed neither stressed nor raging, in contrary, for the first time his facial features were close to beeing friendly.
Nevertheless, he didn't wait for the two on the floor of the Atrium to follow his request. Instead, the focus of his eyes returned to the slightly shaking figure of Eve, who was still waiting at the door frame, clenching her daughter's hand in her own. The slim, russet haired woman appeared to be nervous.
"So for you, who has refused to stay: Don't worry. I won't hinder you from leaving instantly. Further, there will be no danger for you emenating from us. Just continue to live like you did before and everything will be fine, but..." At this word he meaningfully raised a thin shaped, dark eyebrow. "... if we ever come to the conclusion that you told anyone about this place or one of us, we will find you." A short break followed his last statement, before he went on speaking. "Don't look that terrified. We aren't out to do anything to you. Just keep in mind, that we don't want the world to know that we exist. You may pack your things."
With that, he turned away from her and back to the others sitting at the table. Also Pam an Vince had rejoined them by now. Folding his hands on the woodcarved surface, he looked around the circle of the attendees.
"Okay then. Let's get to the important stuff."

[I'm sorry for this one, but I have no time to read it over again now. I hope I didn't mess up the whole thing.]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Sarahleen Do Jun 25, 2015 9:09 pm

(It's perfectly fine, don't worry.)


Eve didn't even pay attention to the conversation Levi was having with this guy, only concentrating on the sound of her heartbeat that she could already hear in her ear. The blonde guy had to walk past her to get the woman out of her paralyzed state, the little girl in his arms holding onto him like a baby monkey would to his mother.
"So that means we can... we can go?", she stuttered as a response to his words, then realizing how stupid it was to say that and rushing out of the room to pack her things. They didn't have much here but still. It took them about five minutes if less to collect the few items they had brought and without another word towards any of the people in the hall she simply dragged her confused looking daughter out of the door and away from the building.


Throughout everything Levi said he kept an eye on him, holding Pamela close to his chest, letting her nuzzle into his shoulder. Maybe she did make the right decision. Maybe he did want to stay as well. Maybe they would both die but what was the matter anymore?
He was still standing in the door frame, not wanting to leave water stains on the floor from his soaking wet clothes and hair that didn't seem to distract Pamela at all.
"May I just ask one question?", he interrupted the dark haired male who looked up at him with an awaiting gaze, "Can I stay with her? Like, always? You don't seem to be communicating too well with each other." The first time he spoke with him a hint of a grin made it's way onto his face before gently caressing Pam's back.

(If you want to Eve can tell someone about them and they'll unfortunately have to eliminate them, since you wanted to kill them in the first place. Not immediately but when the story needs some kind of excitement that would be a point to bring this up. Just an idea as an apology for letting you wait for so long.)


Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Di Jun 30, 2015 11:04 am

[This text is far from beeing finished yet, so you don't have to reply for now. I'll write the rest & correct it later on (I hope I'll make it till tomorrow), for I'm a little in a hurry at the moment. I'm sorry & hope you don't mind.]


The ravenette nodded at Vince's question, putting up a slightly thoughtful face before responding: "That appears to be the fact, anyways I'm very interested in learning how to do it. It would be a pain if you were the only one able to talk to her in a proper way. But for the first time I'd also like you to stay with her as much as possible. It might take its time until all of us may understand her just as well."
Turning his head around to the table, he called on the second small girl, Jette, to bring some towels for their unexpected, completly rain-drenched guest. Her tiny figure rushed out of the room huriedly and while her light steps echoed from the metall of the winded staircase, Levi beckoned Vince, who was still carrying Pamela, over to the table.

A short time later everyone was back in the dining room, the blonde newcomer tightly wrapped into soft white garment, impatiently waiting for the announced meeting to begin.
Levi got up from his chair, raising his voice:
"So that we are all here now, I may as well start with some explainations."

[First for Eve: I wouldn't want to kill her in particulair, I'd rather let her die per accident somehow in the process. I don't want to make Levi a cold heartened murderer, even if he might appear to be of that kind. Like you know from previous texts, in truth he's a very hurt and emotional character und just built up this facade to protect himself from the harm of the outside world.
Anyway, I perfectly like the idea of her telling someone about our small gang. This would adorably play together with what I had planned for the two young police officers to get involved.:]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Fr Jul 17, 2015 1:50 pm


"Den Grund, aus dem ihr hier seid, habt ihr bereits erfahren." Der dunkelhaarige Teenager blickte aufmerksam in die Runde, in seinen Augen schimmerte ein Ausdruck stummer Abschätzigkeit. Dann sprach er weiter.
"Es geht um Diebstahl. Das ist das, was ich den meisten von euch an Information geboten habe."
Die Anwesenden tauschten unauffällig Blicke. Worauf wollte der Kerl hinaus?
"Allerdings halte ich es an dieser Stelle für angebracht, zuzugeben, dass es sich nicht um ein ausschließliches Diebstahlkommando handelt. Vielmehr... geht es um Mord."
Levi fixierte stumm die zerfurchten Kanten der Tischplatte, während sich um ihn her ein aufgebrachtes Murmeln erhob. Erst dann wandte er sein Gesicht wieder den Anwesenden zu.
"Es tut mir aufrichtig leid, dass ich euch anlügen musste, aber ich war gezwungen, sicher zu gehen, dass keiner von euch uns verlassen würde, möglicherweise in Kenntnis einer solchen Information. Wir konnten nicht riskieren, dass auch nur das leiseste Gerücht nach außen dringt, nicht einmal über unsere Existenz." Er tauschte ein beiläufiges Nicken mit Derek, welcher zu seiner Linken Platz genommen hatte. Selbst im Sitzen reichte der Blonde nur um ein Haar nicht an Levi's volle Körpergröße heran.
"Unser Ziel...", fuhr er schließlich fort, wobei sein Gesicht weiterhin ausdruckslos wie das eines in Stein gehauenen Bildes blieb, "... trägt den Namen Keith Barret. Er ist ein führender Kopf der von der Regierung kontrollierten Polizeieinheiten..." Das allgemeine erschrockene Atemeinziehen um ihn her schien seine Sinne nicht zu erreichen. Als er fortfuhr, sprach er langsam, fast zögernd, und die Bitterkeit in seiner Stimme war von einer selbst für ihn ungewöhnlichen Stärke:
"Und er hat meine Familie ermordet."

Nun erhob sich auch Derek, aus der Bewegung in die Taschen seines Hemdes greifend, und förderte ein schmuddeliges Stück Papier zu Tage. Es war das Titelblatt einer Zeitung, die Ausgabe war über ein Jahr alt, nur zu sehr geringem Teil bedruckt mit geschriebenen Wörtern. Der Großteil der Seite beanspruchte eine breite, rechteckige Fotografie in hellen Farben. Das Bild zeigte einen Mann mittleren Alters mit Bartstoppeln und dunklem Haar, dessen breite Schultern sich unter dem blauen Stoff einer Dienstuniform abzeichneten. Sein Gesicht wirkte seltsam eigefallen, die hohen Wangenknochen unter der gepflegten Haut traten deutlich zur Sicht. Dennoch wirkte er sehr zufrieden mich sich und der Welt, mit einem schmalen, selbstgerechten Mund und den dünnen Brauen, die im Zuge eines angedeuteten Lächelns leicht gehoben waren. Unter den vor der Brust verschränkten Armen prangte die fettgedruckte Schlagzeile:

Sonderkomissionsinspektor K. Barret stoppt Nachtmahr-Gang - Der Spuk hat ein Ende
Nach monatelangem Versteckspiel gelang es dem außergewöhnlichen Inspektor Mr. Barret, die wohl gefürchtesten Diebe des letzten Jahrzehnts zur Strecke zu bringen. Nach einer wilden Verfolgungsjagt begleitet von Straßenkämpfen wurden sämtliche Mitglieder von Ploizeibeamten niedergestreckt.
Fast drei Jahre lang terrorisierte eine Gruppe von gesetzlosen die wohlhabenden Bürger unserer Stadt. Ihre spektakulären Taten sorgten in der Öffentlichkeit immer wieder für Aufregung und Entsetzen. Nichts schien sie aufhalten zu können, doch nun ist auch von ihrer Seite nicht mehr zu befürchten.
"Es ist sehr bedauerlich, dass wir keinen von ihnen lebend festhalten konnten. Sie wären sicherlich eine wertvolle Informationsquelle zu anderen Untergrundorganisationen gewesen. Schließlich waren sie wohl schon soetwas wie die royal family unter den hiesigen Verbrechern.", äußerte der leitetende Inspektor Mr. Barret sich bedauernd über den Tod der Männer und Frauen der Nachtmahr-Gruppe. "Und bleibt als Trost, dass wir von nun an wieder ruhig schlafen können, ohne Angst, mit leerer Wohnung oder einem Messer an der Kehle aufzuwachen."

Derek reichte den Artikel in die Runde, wo er von den Anwesenden nacheinander beäugt wurde, während diejenigen, die zu lesen in der Lage waren, für die anderen übersetzten.
"Möglicherweise versteht ihr jetzt, warum wir euch bisher mit so wenig Information versorgt haben.", bemerkte der Blonde, als alle über die Situation im Bilde waren.
"Damals hat die Polizei vertuscht, dass Levi und Ich noch auf freiem Fuß waren. Und auch wir haben uns lange Zeit versteckt gehalten, aus Angst ebenfalls getötet zu werden.
Sie haben uns in eine Falle gelockt, damals. Wir waren völlig unvorbereitet, nicht in der Lage, es mit allen Aufzunehmen. Trotzdem haben wir natürlich verzweifelt gekämpft und wären ein paar Mal fast davon gekommen, aber am Ende haben sie uns trotzdem gekriegt..."
Im Blick seiner Augen und seinem leisen Seufzen lag ein tiefer Kummer.
"Sie haben vier unserer Freunde getötet. Unser damaliger Anführer hat sich aus dem Staub gemacht, sobald die Lage zu brenzlig wurde..."
"Der Schweinehund hat uns verkauft und belogen.", erhob nun auch Levi wieder seine ernste und bedrohlich leise Stimme. "Jetzt ist die Zeit, um ihm ein für alle mal zu beweisen, dass er uns nicht bekommen wird."


Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Sarahleen Fr Jul 17, 2015 2:48 pm

[Oh geez, I'll have to get into this again, haven't wrote in quite some time. I hope it's okay if I just start somewhere in the middle of what happened and I apologize in advance if this text should be very short but this is a lot of information to deal with. But I'll try.]

It didn't bother Vince to put on something else, something dry, the only thing that bothered him was that he had to set Pam down and everybody looked at him like he was some sort of alien creature that just came to visit them. Luckily for him he could hold Pamela again soon after and it didn't take all too long.
Having just seated himself on one of the available chairs he turned the little girl in his arms around so that she could sit on his lap sideways being able to look at Levi and him at the same time. Her curious eyes wandered from one mouth to the other, trying to see where there was some interesting information to read off which eventually guided her to Levi, who started talking just a moment after. Carefully following his lips she did her best to understand everything, though one word confused her.
"What is that?", she asked Vince with a fitting look on her face. He didn't want to answer her at first, not wanting to introduce her to the world of death and murder having kept her from visiting it so long, but she had to learn about it one day so he decided to explain it to her in the most simple way he could.
"When one person dies because of another one than that is murder.", he said with his hands, not wanting to interrupt Levi by saying the words out loud. "On purpose?", Pamela asked. He nodded. Suddenly her expression got all thoughtful and it seemed like she tried to understand it but couldn't find why someone would do a thing like that. But who knows that, there is no real reason to kill someone, even if you may say so, killing a person is always senseless.
When the newspaper article was passed around the table for everyone to read it Pamela just stared at the picture for almost a minute as if she was trying to remember every oh so little detail. Who knows, maybe that's what she did.
"Who is that?", she wanted to know and showed the picture to Vince. He pointed at the name that was written in the headline and spelled it for her. "Keith Barret." "Why do we want to murder him?", she asked further and her eyes suddenly got a little bigger, almost afraid of the answer, but also curious. "He killed Levi's family.", her friend explained and sighed. "Killed?", she repeated with a questioning look. "It's another word/sign for murder.", he told her with his hands and gave the newspaper to the person next to him. He wasn't interested in what the press had to say to it, he knew it was false information.
After Levi and Derek had finished their talk it was completely silent. It was so silent you could hear a needle fall down onto the wooden floor.
"Why do we have to kill him?", Pamela suddenly asked and Vince smiled a little because of her cuteness but then got more serious because it really was a good question. "Pamela wants to know why we have to kill him.", he translated for the others around, turning his gaze to Levi and Derek. He knew it was a revenge-kill but Pamela didn't. And he couldn't explain it to her so Levi should do it himself.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Levi Fr Jul 17, 2015 10:41 pm


Even though the question astonished him, he could up to some point understand why she had to ask this. Her wanna-be dad had supposingly protected her all to well from the world's true face and cruelity. Nevertheless it was difficult for him to get how a nine year old girl, who had worked at a strip club the lion's share of her life, could not know about things like violence or murder. And even given the fact that, in his heart, he precisely knew what it was about, he struggeld to find the words to explain why he wanted to kill a man.
"See...", he started, still not really recognizing why he wanted to make it sound as unselfish as possible to her. "Do you know what revenge is?"
As she shook her head for response, he continued by trying to explain.
"If someone does something bad to you or to those you love and in return you do the same thing to this person afterwards, that's what we call revenge. You see - he killed the ones who were our friends and family, so in return for their deaths, we want to see him die, too.
You might say that, to do the same thing to him, we would have to kill his family instead of himself to make him feel the loss and pain we suffered, but I guess it wouldn't be right to kill innocent and univolved humans. It's bad enough that we will make them feel the hurt of his decease.
But revenge isn't the only thought that drives us. Furthermore, there is still a high risk that either Derek or me will be caught one day and not only is he the only one who could recognize us, he'd also surely kill us as "per accident".
And for the third and last course: Keith Barret has something really precious to us. He took it against our will and so now we will take it back against his. This is why I first told you that all we were gonna do was about thievery."
A short look at Pamela's small face showed him, that everything he had told her by now was a completly new way of thinking to her. Somewhere deep inside, Levi asked himself if he had just spoiled an innocent children's heart. He didn't even have to wait for an answer. But anyway, he told himself, she would have had to experience things like this one day, so why not now where someone was still with her, protecting and looking after her? No, it was alright and he decided to continue his statements:
"So you know about the contents and goals of our mission now. For the further planning, we will first split you into two groups. One will opperate actively close to our taget, the other one will support us from our opperation base, which means this place here.
The first group will be lead by me and consist of Fine and Jette. Pam and Vince will stay with Derek."
He glared at the boy and the little girl, who were still tightly holding on to each other.
"If you wonder how you are going to support us out of this save house - Derek was and is our IT-expert. We will make you secure our way, as soon as we go into that opperation. You may see,", he uttered, letting his gaze wander over every face in the round of the attendees, "that all of you are far from beeing ready and prepared for any of these activities. That's why we will put you through a massive amount of traning. Not only are all of you supposed to be physically fit and well trained, we will also teach you some of our basics like breaking locks and tricking security systems just as well as moving around without beeing seen up to hand to hand combat and the use of knives and firearms."
As he noticed the looks Pam and Vince gave him, he stared back at them with serious eyes. "All of you will have to learn that. Everyone has to be able to defend himself and the others." The last thing he said had been derected especially to the blonde guy, who still held the girl on his bent legs.
"For those who don't know how to read and write, I'm the one in charge of teaching you how to do it. Derek will now introduce you to our concrete plans for training. Hurry and learn as much as you can. You have not more then two months."
With that, he pushed back his chair, looked around at the others one last time and then left the room.
After the door closed behind his back, Derek rose to speak:
"The two months limit exists because we spotted an opening in security, which will only existst at a certain time. Closer circumstances will be introduced to you later on. Now let's do how he said and continue with looking up the training plans..."

[Time skip of some days?]
[And sorry again that it took me so long to finish my first meeting-text. I have to admit that I simply forgot about it this time...]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.15

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Hier wird geschrieben Empty Re: Hier wird geschrieben

Beitrag von Sarahleen Do Sep 17, 2015 7:24 pm

[Ugh, why do I keep forgetting about this. I apologize sincerely, but having this thing on another website and not knowing when you are going to be online is not really helping me to keep up with this. I'm so sorry, I'll write something now and then check back at the end of the week, hopefully not forgetting about it again. I don't know how many times I did, but it was more than I should have. So again, sorry for my stupidity. I want to continue this, really, but I keep forgetting. Please don't be mad, I know it's been two months... But I'm back, right? Well, let's try to give you something to work with.]

Pam and Vince

One had to admit, what Levi told that little girl was quite new and life- as well as viewpoint changing. Sure, other kids her age probably already knew about death and revenge and evil people, especially those who had to make a living like she did, but not being able to hear could in that case be an advantage. Of course Vince did his part on keeping her away from the topic as best as he could, not showing her the corpses that sometimes laid outside the club, dead from drinking too much or getting stabbed as the result of a quarrel that escalated into a street fight and purposely not translating the things some people said to and about her. Sometimes it was best not to.
Little Pamela tried to process the information in her tiny little head, noticeably frowning while thinking about what she had just learned. She probably sat there for the entire time Levi spoke to them just thinking, additionally trying to understand the other information he gave them. After the black haired male had left and Derek paused his speech for a second she turned around to the blonde male on whom's lap she was sitting on she seemed to eventually have processed most of what Levi told her.
"I think it's a really good thing not to kill his family because they don't have anything to do with that man.", she told him and slightly nodded as if clarifying it to herself again. "But can we not kill him? We could lock him up, right? And then we could spare him and talk to him and maybe he's friendly, right?"
"No, Pamela.", Vince answered, torn between telling her the truth or keeping her the innocent little girl she once was, finally deciding she had had enough to learn for today. "We'll see."

[I've got way too many things in mind for this rp, it's crazy. Can I tell you a scene and maybe we can make it possible after the time skip? They probably learned quite a few things over these days, especially Pam. She learns really fast, if I can say so without carrying it too far.]


Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.15

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